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Everything posted by Aboodie

  1. Valor Mountain (active) Should be at the top-left surfing area with multiple islands, access from the left door of Xen Backup Lab
  2. Here you go, should be able to make the mirror again. Game.rxdata
  3. Your Attack stats were not the same either, since both of them usually are boosted later in game.
  4. This should do it, backtracked to where you make the mirror then back again to the lift. Game.rxdata
  5. If you have the mod on and saved once in-game, then a file called "SharedPC.rxdata" will appear within the Saved Games Rejuvenation/Reborn Folder.
  6. I think you would need to copy the file of the Shared Box you want to use for both games and paste it in the the Saved Games folder of both. If you want the one you have in Reborn, just copy that one and paste it to Rejuvenation and vise versa. To avoid you missing on any Pokemon, make sure the Shared Box you are gonna overwrite to be empty first. P.S.: I haven't done it before, but it should be like this logically.
  7. Badges required to boost certain stats, the same for most Pokemon games if not all.
  8. @AquaShadow85 seems like luck is not on your side for items but for shinnies, though 5% is still a low chance for an item to appear.
  9. SR Magby to hold the item, the only way by far currently.
  10. The move gains the Ghost typing too, so you have to take that in consideration and other Pokemon have a typing other than Ghost typing, so a Ghost/Water type would be hit Neutral for an example.
  11. You need to melt it down by moves like Heat Wave and Lava Plume
  12. If you follow the game dialogue, that Capsule Key is the same as the last one. The note before you take it says that Aelita found it under the house where the hole was previously.
  13. Edited a few areas with new items: -East Gearen City (left section) -Goldenwood Forest (before the incident) -Goldenwood Grove -Route 2 -Route 3 -Route 4 -Teila Resort -Amberette Town (past) -West Gearen City (lower section) -Grand Dream Gate -Grand Dream City -Dream District -Toybox and Mika's Cafe -Route 9 Edited areas to match v10: -Chirsola Hotel -Goldenleaf Town -Wispy Path -Wispy Tower -Wispy Ruins -Akuwa Town -Route 11 -Garufa Ruins -Darchlight Woods -Sensu Meadow -Darchlight Cave Added new areas: -Route 2 (Cherry Blossom Cut Down) -ACDMC - Akuwa Cave Drill Management Center -Seabound Cave [East] -Seabound Cave [West] -Evergreen Cave [South] -Evergreen Cave [North] -Evergreen Island -Evergreen Forest -Spring of Preservation -Forgotten Hill -Axis High University -District of Hope -Hospital of Hope -Route 4 (past) -Sheridan Village (past) -Purification Chamber (past) -Spring's Depth (past) -Heracross Woods (past) -S.S.Paradise (future) -Blacksteeple Castle (future) -Route 2 (Cherry Blossom Cut Down) Items changed: -Ladder -> Cursed Candle -TM01 Hone Claws -> TM01 Work Up -TM19 Telekinesis -> TM19 Secret Power -TM51 Ally Switch -> TM51 Steel Wing -TM67 Retaliate -> TM67 Roost -TM83 Work Up -> TM83 Infestation -TM88 Pluck -> TM88 Sleep Talk
  14. Have fun. Got mine on V7 and V9 already, will have to make a new save file to search for it. 3rd time for it to change, hassle much xD it probably is still there in the Darchlight Cave somewhere or moved back to Inkays again? dunno.
  15. Quick Claw Perish Song is the best strategy I guess, though I managed to pull a Quick Claw Confuse Ray w/ Vulpix then Earthquake w/ Gabite did the job.
  16. Then you might have to go on exploring the cave or if by any chance you can use Escape Rope to exit the area.
  17. @Kenneth not sure though, if there is any wild Magnemite line, Skarmory, and Beldum line you could snatch one I guess. Have been avoiding wild encounters at most so I have no idea of their existence. Banette (Trick) and Meowstic (Covet) are ones for the task. Also, don't think I have seen any Link Stones along my run if I missed any items that is.
  18. @EternalJinn haven't started a new save file for v10 myself yet, so no idea of older areas item changes made. Probably might do at some point later when I have more free time. Edit: Apparently the TMs had some number changes, TM83 previously Work Up to Infestation and TM01 previously Hone Claws to Work Up. So if you can check TM01 location at Amethyst Cave for it changed to the newly added Hone Claws TM number change or replaced by TM01 Work Up.
  19. You either go back to the elevator and exit of the cave, or go down left to the next area and continue exploring the cave by interacting with small black/white crystals on the cave walls if you have the Darchlight Mirror with you that is.
  20. Once you have acquired the Darchlight Mirror, turn the Darchlight Cave to Black then return to the dark cave and it will be Black as well, you'll have access to the item by then.
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