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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aboodie

  1. Thanks, glade you liked our short demo ^^ we are trying to release a bigger one later when we have our time managed and free to continue working on the game.
  2. Hi and welcome, The game is still at a demo trial stage, so far there is only 1 badge and a few quests to do and try the game for. The next update is TBA. But we are working on it on our free time, so it might take a while for it to be published. You can follow the development of the game on our discord or the main tab of the club. Dev Blog: Discord: https://discord.gg/ek6ppKg
  3. That has been fixed (several times), but not added to the latest patch. Since there is some kind of a problem with "syncing" files but has been resolved. Noted on alpha, but left out of the fixed list. Gonna put it up on a reminder again later. It's a short demo for the Dev Team to test out its content and meddle around with features, the next update will give a proper story continuation and introduce a good amount of content to befit a version update. The exp issue was called out, and has been fixed on the last patch by increasing the level of the wild encounters around the end routes (you are using an old version of the demo), you could still use the Hidden Grotto for faster exp, since that reset 24h in-game time which can be changed easily using the Pokemon Center "Time Skip" feature resting on beds, in addition to the Black Belt Trainer in Route 2 which you can repeatedly train with for exp and money before the gym. The special encounters aka shaking grass, and dust are meant to be rare and difficult to reach until you get hold of Repels later, we can still look out to tweak it if "needed" and provide Repels prior to acquiring a gym badge. The Exp Bottles mechanics will be changed later update to be more useful, and providing exp items like a Lucky Egg early is not valid, since this is how the game want to work on "difficulty" with limiting items and stronger Pokemon availability, but the way you mentioned that for Exp Bottles could be noted to work as a limited Lucky Egg probably. There are possible strats to make you able to finish the gym with lv.10s and since the gym is 11-12 on hard mode (excluding the Glameow being 13 which doesn't matter) using a good team combination. But yeah It's called Hard mode for a reason ig. You have 1 side quest before the gym, and 2 after the gym. Been done this way because they are "progression relevant" you have 1 badge, people make worth of your reputation beating the gym, etc. Nothing to do with exp grinding. It's an optional story content with a reward. The Route 4 Gate was blocked with a message in the latest few patches. You have Recovery Machines around and PCs in Gates (so I don't see an issue here as of now). In another note, It's good to see reviews and glad you liked the short demo, looking forward to seeing you play the next version updates! If you want to be kept updated more regularly, you can join us in the Discord server in which we use mostly. https://discord.gg/VMbzgk Have a nice day!
  4. -Version 01 Items Availability- ~Picture Guide available for more detailed locations~ Items Picture Guide Items Listed by Typing Shops & Marts Cave Dust Quests
  5. -Overall Items Availability- ~Refer to the Version(s) Picture Guide for more detailed locations~ Items Listed by Typing Shops & Marts Cave Dust Quests
  6. General Pokemon List by Generation -Generation 1- -Generation 2- -Generation 3- -Generation 4- -Generation 5- -Generation 6- -Generation 7- -Generation 8-
  7. You can discuss the game here, talk about the story, characters, etc. To check updates on the status of the next version(s) >Please Click Here<
  8. You can suggest shiny Pokemon themes in here if you have some good ideas in mind!
  9. There is a quick fix in the discord that you might try using. If you have one. But generally playing the game on the Game.exe not the Game-Z.exe one should be fine for you. https://discord.gg/WxEpXN
  10. If you are on an older version, the Coin Case used to be inside the Control Room where you fight the Gardobor in the story. Check and update your game, if the same problem persists, put in your save file here and will check.
  11. Update: -Spreadsheet added for easier navigation, compiled by Starry with help from Azzie and Nikai. -Minor item edits.
  12. There is no specific search tool for that. All I can help you with is lowering your search progress. Total Zygarde Cells of 105 Floria 34 Terajuma 26 Terrial 45 You can find them in Debug like you mentioned and compare the numbers, so you can now where to look at. It would be unfortunate if they were scattered across all 3 categories. And note that you might not be able to find all of them, since there is a bug that make them not appear after reaching a certain amount collected Zygarde Cells per region, some have them all and some don't. And there also could be the possibility of missing the messable ones.
  13. Editing Update: -Added missing new Zygarde Cell to Zorrialyn Desert. -Added a Zygarde Cell to its specific tab which was previously available. Format Update News: In the upcoming months on my free time, the guide will be completely revamped with a new picture and text format, with the current text to be changed to match the new image entitled with it for a better and easier looking and understanding for the item you are searching for. Example:
  14. This one is within the guide under Locations and Chapters, but not on the specific Zygarde Cells tab. (Maybe I forgot to add it there), thanks for the notice though.
  15. Thanks, I'll add that some time later when I got some time off. The issue with the Zygarde Cells after some point in the region gathering a set number they stop showing, probably a bug that needs fixing the next version update.
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