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Des Teto

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Des Teto last won the day on April 21 2024

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98 Samaritan


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    On my bike

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  1. Salut ! Merci pour ton super message. Content que tu apprécies ta run :) Et la guerre n'est pas finie, loin de là haha. Concernant tes retours, tu peux rejoindre notre Discord et nous remonter les erreurs car on est encore sur la traduction du postgame. Sur les dialogues non traduits, peut-être que c'est un souci de version, mais sur les fautes d'ortographe, c'est toujours dur à dénicher donc on est très intéressés !
  2. Merci pour ton message très chaleureux ! Il nous reste beaucoup à faire mais j'espère que tu pourras apprécier ce magnifique jeu autant que nous. Bonne partie à toi !
  3. Télécharger le jeu / Download the game : Lien de téléchargement / Download link Version Windows uniquement pour l'instant / Windows only for now Version BETA du 20 avril 2024 / BETA Version 20th April 2024 Consulter le fichier "LISEZ-MOI" / Read the file "LISEZ-MOI" Rejoindre la communauté de la traduction française/ Join the french translation community : Lien d'invitation Discord / Discord Link Lien également disponible dans le fichier "LISEZ-MOI" / Link also available in the file "LISEZ-MOI" Un Discord où sont rassemblés l'équipe et pas mal de gens de la communauté française de Reborn. Idéalement, les erreurs en tout genre doivent être signalées là-bas. The Discord where you can reach our team and some french reborn folk. In a perfect world, every bugs should be reported there. Quelques explications / Some explanations : Après 3 ans de travail, nous sommes très fiers de vous proposer une version française de Pokémon Reborn. Que vous ayez envie de découvrir un jeu qui vaut le détour ou revivre une expérience mémorable mais en français, nous avons rendu ça possible. Le jeu est traduit jusqu'à la fin de la Ligue. Le reste du contenu du jeu sera traduit ultérieurement. La version Mac n'est pas disponible, faute d'utilisateurs Mac dans l'équipe. Toute personne souhaitant nous aider sur ce sujet est la bienvenue. After 3 years of work, we are very proud to present you a french version of Pokémon Reborn. If you want to discover a mind-breaking game, or if you want to feel again Reborn vibes but the french way, we made it happen. The translation is done until the end of the Elite Four. The remaing content will be translated eventually. The Mac version is not available yet. Nobody on the the team had a Mac. We welcome any users that can help us creating it. Reporter des bugs / Bug Reporting : Fautes de frappes, fautes d'ortographe, textes anglais non traduit. Si vous tombez dessus, n'hésitez pas à nous en informer sur notre Discord ou sur ce post ! Mais de préférence sur Discord ! Typos, incorrect spelling, english lines. If you happen to encounter those, feel free to report what you found in our Discord or in this thread! But we have a preference for Discord. Images sans spoil / Spoiler-free screenshots : Un travail qui s'est fait avec un certain nombre de personnes / Meet the french folk : Equipe de traduction / Translation Team : @Pragorius(partner in crime and unstoppable translator) @Aphelli (tough english content expert) @Steuve / MaxPoisson (memelord) @oxal(goat dev) @blatha (motivation provider) @Lufio(chaotic runner) @Beaufils / Torre (game expert and goat alphatester) @Des Teto (terra enjoyer) Alpha-Testers : @Torre @Q-Jei@Floriane @oxal A aidé en chemin / Helped along the way : @fay-clochette@Vinc2612@pika-san Remerciements très chaleureux / Special thanks : @Waynolt for creating Translation Manager and allowing us to start working during E18 @Qoetsche for being fluent in Excel and allowing us to mix the E18 translation to the E19 content Bonne partie tout le monde ! / Have a nice run everyone!
  4. What do you mean? I have seen that the Translation Manager made by Waynolt do not work anymore but updating it may prove difficult?
  5. Most people use the Focus Sash found in the cave under the Grand Hall with all the crystals. But from now on, I'll use your way because it is way funnier
  6. I played the whole game in Set Mode without bag items, so I had to switch held items, TMs and Z-Moves to make my way through. Best fun I had in a Pokémon game. Gliscor : Toxic, Roost, Protect and you can shut down almost everything. Other moves were Earthquake, Rock Slide and for one fight Acrobatics. Greninja : A god in end-game. Ice Beam, U-Turn, Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Dark Pulse and Hydro Pump... He held Choice Scarf, Expert Belt and Z-Crystals. M-Medicham : Fake Out + Bullet Punch is so powerful. And when you have a room for High Jump Kick or Zen Headbutt, you can clean everything. Telepathy is also very good sometimes when not mega-evolved. Gengar : Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse. I used Curse too sometimes. No Destiny Bond needed thankfully because I would have started over to relearn it. He held Choice items, Expert Belt and Z-Crystals too. Oh, and Cursed Body is a nice surprise sometimes. Mostima-Wash : Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch and Hydro Pump. A shutdown machine. But I gave it the opportunity to use Z-Move Electrik. Whimsicott : Encore, Encore, Encore. And Tailwind. And Stun Pore. And Nature Power sometimes when everything else was done. And Sunny Day for one fight.
  7. Remaking the whole field effects systems caught my eye. Does it mean there will be new moves and new features added to the existent ones? I am very curious about this.
  8. Hello! I see that you trained a offensive team. It's a very good one indeed. Here are the few changes I would consider : Give the Life Orb to Nagadanel and consider Draco Meteor. Run a bulky Volcarona (HP, Def, Leftovers) with Roost instead of Tailwind or give Psychic and the Z-Move that you like Give Roost to Gliscor instead of Facade? Once you have Earthquake, Facade will be almost useless. Drop pseudo Ash-Gren because it won't be in the game and run a mixed Protean Greninja, maybe with a Z-Move. Otherwise, give him an Expert Belt. Give Fake Out to Lopunny instead of Ice Punch for double battles and Toxic chip damage. Unless you're facing a Garchomp, a Zygarde or a Dragonite (ok maybe this one), Return will be always be better.
  9. Beware that Reborn will stay on Gen 7 for the moment, so Shell Smash Blastoise won't be available since it's a Gen 8 feature. Otherwise, Charizard with Solar Power and Venusaur with Chlorophyll work well under the sun, whereas Blastoise is good only when he mega-evolves with Dark Pulse and Aura sphere. Without mega-evolving, Blastoise won't perform well in Gen 7. I think you should drop Mega-Garchomp who is not that good compared to plain old Garchomp who is faster and break noses no matter what.
  10. I can only second that. The game takes a whole new dimension when you switch this simple option. The rest of your post was entertaining :) I like how you managed to work with your Pokemon as you made progress in your playthrough. Concerning your last slot... Since you play on Set Mode, I think a Pokemon with Volt-Turn would bring momentum control. I see that you lack a special attacker so maybe a Choice Spec Voltali with Volt Switch when it's available, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball and something else could work. Other options are Manectric who needs to be mega so it's a no, Heliolisk who is weaker but has more options, Motisma who has the godsent Ground-Immunity...
  11. Hello! This is incredible to see that you guys manage to pull off this amount of work. I will definitely give it a try to see how it looks like. I have been working myself quite seriously on a french translation with other people for a couple months. We have done 40000 out of the 92000+ lines so far. So, your post gives us motivation! However, we know nothing about RPG Maker and stuff. So, I might PM you to understand how to mess up with scripts and maps if it is ok for you. Great work again!
  12. Hello! Additionally, don't be afraid of level too much your Pokemon. I see that Torracoat is close to evolve. If you have a spare Ability Capsule, you can switch his ability to Intimidate, which will help you in every Double Battles. If you get past level 35 during the fight, your Pokemon will still obey you. Otherwise, you can grab Common Candies in the Sweet Kiss Candy Store in Obsidia Ward.
  13. Hello Reborn! Any french speaker out there interested into translating the game? There is a project going on and a lot has been done so far but one or two extra people could help :)

    1. Metapod


      Bonjour, honnêtement ceci m'intéresse. Au départ je partais en mode traduction directement avec l'intl.txt que j'avais extrait et puis j'ai remarqué que des gens travaillaient déjà dessus et qu'un logiciel existait. Je suis donc assez ok pour vous filer un coup de main.

  14. Why not both? There are few things that your Pikachu soon to be Raichu needs, right? If I had to make a choice, even if Discharge is cool in double, you'll need the good team mate. Otherwise, I'd rather see my frail Pikachu to K.O. with a stronger move instead of having him taking hits back...
  15. As for E4, I like to think that the player will follow Lin in mind-blowing environments, fighting people along the way. You climb a mountain. There is a building at the top surrounded by wonderful garden. You enter inside to discover it's a religious building with its holy energy. Then, a portal opens to the void. Lastly, you witness the new world being created.
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