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Des Teto

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Des Teto

  1. Answering your question : Klinklang rules. Because it is one these mons that I discovered thanks to Reborn and god, it made me love it. Gear Grinding through every enemy is kind of a one-trick pony but it does work so well. I hate so much when he doesn't hit with his 85% accuracy that I can't even imagine running it without Wise Lens. I really like your team and the way you introduced them. Great use of every utility moves available. Maybe you could run Hawlucha with Unburden + Seeds for immediate offensive presence. Just suggesting. I've never used this mon but I think I will during my next run.
  2. Considering we already have Phione, my bet is on Manaphy. Even if it's quite strong with Z-Rain Dance and Tail Glow. Otherwise, one of the weakest Ultra-Beast such as Nihigelo, Guzzlord or Stakataka is possible in my opinion... what a nice surprise anyway!
  3. Random music encounter #1



  4. Their toughest challenge so far will be next episode. I hope Shelly won't end the nuzlocke.
  5. I'm curious to see what mons you will choose to fit the roster. May I ask to be the Bounty Hunter ? And thanks to you, I've just found out about the new DLC.
  6. Nice idea again ! (Btw I was talking about adding options such as "Haven't played the game" or "No opinion" but this works well too, maybe better)
  7. Just wondering, do Beta testing, and testing in general include only the upcoming episode content or the whole game ?
  8. At the beginning of the episode, I thought there were going to hatch the mystery egg all together >.> Also, near the end of the arena battle, Mo took the time to acknowledge the work put in the field effects, followed by Nappy. Even if they're struggling a lot, I think these guys are starting to enjoy the core of the game.
  9. There are so many characters that will be present in Calcenon that I wonder if the protagonist will have a chance to meet them all at the same time. However, if a big meeting between all the characters is to happen, I'll be more hyped than during the end of a certain heroic fantasy show. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember seeing any Onyx students teaming with any members of the orphans family during the whole game. Maybe this is where the branch story will come into play. Titania being present in Calcenon in one story split, we may have to follow her while the orphans are rescuing their siblings. Also, the level cap before the next gym leader is still 90. Some mons will experiment a common candy overdose. Also also, I'm expecting Hardy to suffer like ... a lot during this episode, if he is the gym leader of course. I can't wait to see how he interacts with his sister.
  10. Thanks you all for welcoming me. I'll make sure to check if a translation project is currently going on.
  11. Hello there ! I've been hanging out in this forum for a while, spying everything you guys said and realized :"hey why not sharing some thoughts with these guys". I'm a 24 years old french guy. My first game was Pokemon Red and despite not buying every gen, I made sure to keep up to Gamefreak announcements. I enjoy playing Showdown but I'm far from making any progress in any ladder. That is why I'd rather struggle against an unfair AI. One thing that stroke me about this game was the consistent writing, whether it was the main story or the random hobo in 7th street. If Reborn ever needs to be translated, I'd like to give a hand. Though I have no idea how Terra may sound in my language. I have been playing since E15 but I just reached endgame recently. And god, Z-Conversion Porygon-Z and Mega-Pinsir are just broken. Can't wait to see my mons destroyed by next episode challenges. See you guys soon !
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