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Des Teto

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Everything posted by Des Teto

  1. The Original Theme Song: These lyrics rings a bell, right? I bet you can hear the melody just fine. The truth is many of us knew this song by heart years before learning English. When I discovered the original song years later, I started to analyse the original lyrics. I couldn't prevent myself to compare them with the lyrics I knew so much. I liked the way ideas and messages were transposed in my language. Translating a song is an interesting exercise. You have to keep the sense of the lyrics while making them sound right. Choices had to me made. In a result, while some sentences were deleted, new punchlines came up. I think it's interesting to know what translators across the world came up with. So, here is the thing. What are the lyrics in your language? And what would be their literal translation in English? Of course, it won't rhyme. But I am really wondering how the values of friendship, adventure or challenge were implemented in our childhood song. According to Bulbapedia, this song has been translated to Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (both Portugal and Brazil), Russian, Spanish (both Latin America and Spain), Swedish and Turkish. Maybe there's more, I don't know. P.S.: One thing that did surprised me is that this song is not Japanese. However, the original singer Jason Paige sung a Japanese version. And it's, dare I say, a fan-tastic performance. It's not the full song tho.
  2. Pinsir, Altaria, Glalie and Salamence will have to run Return instead of never-happening-countering-Ditto's Frustration ... Jokes aside, I upvote that. 200+ happiness is the best choice in my humble opinion.
  3. It was my first game ever. I received Pokemon Red for my eighth birthday. I mean, what was I supposed to do?
  4. I just started Rocket Rising. The gameplay is really different from a average pokemon game but the story and the difficulty are something worth experiencing.
  5. Good luck on your translate of MEG4TERR4's lines
  6. Welp, since I'll be doing three runs, I will be part of the SGS. But my first pick will definitely be the Sobble Squad! The name pun suits so well (I just understood it)
  7. I was thinking that Protect was here for poison stall shenanigans but I was like "nah, he can't be THAT evil".
  8. You can request a trade anytime
  9. Alright! Anything will do? My username is Tetoche. I'm available.
  10. I'm motivated to start a little competitive breeding. Not to challenge Reborn future E19 with premium beasts but to challenge strong opponents online. So if anyone has a Ditto to spare, I'll be glad to welcome it in my savefile. Any Ditto will do!
  11. Seems nice of course! I mean, awful to play against because stall is just a pain to deal with. I remember our match few months ago on the Murkwater field. Toxapex was unkillable ^^ I should prepare a little before challenging you but this is pumping me up! One thing you didn't explain was Protect on Zard X. I would put Roost instinctively but you should have a good reason.
  12. I am currently mitigated about the fire bunny, but I think it's only because of the graphics. Same deal with the grass monkey. The three starters seems to have the same smooth skin. It suits the water one which appears almost translucid as a frog/chameleon should be (just give him Protean). But it doesn't work for me with the bunny and the monkey so far. I still like them tho. But I just can't feel the fur. And the cat wrestler wears it so well in other games.
  13. UK indeed. I liked the industrial part too. I am now thinking about James Watt and the Industrial Revolution. I just went aboard the hype steam train.
  14. Haha it would be cliché. But I think she would lose her cuteness. Personnaly, I would make the pupil darker but I know by experience it's hard to draw (I know it because I've just tried ^^ I should be working goddamnit)
  15. You can try a 'discount' Charizard Y with the ability Solar Power. It's a decent sun sweeper. Heat Wave will decimate your foes in double battles. You can pair him with something with Prankster in order to set the Sunny weather efficiently. The earliest choice is Liepard.
  16. She looks cute. But her eyes say that she's going to give her opponent a reallyyyyy bad time. I don't want to face her >.>
  17. I find beauty of Reborn because it made me discover many pokemons that I've never used before. I just had to work with them. It was rough at the beginning but it was for the best. So, I can understand why your love for Incineroar had to be shared ^^ Restarting the game is also a good way to make new acquaintances like this. This is maybe my top reason why I spend so much time playing it. Oh, and if we're speaking competitively, we can talk VGC and Incineroar's top usage (it's first by the way). And considering the amount of double battles in this game, it comes as no surprise to me that Incineroar is a strong pick.
  18. Well, first of all., your pokemons are fine. But as others said earlier, your team won't perform at its full potential with TMX moves. But I understand you need them in order to progress in the story (for instance the diving part in Agate where you don't know if there will be a battle ^^). Little tricks do exist. You can use Surf and replace this move with Waterfall or Dive when needed while you're still on the water, and so on with other moves. And before important battles, you will have to change your moves. Just end-games struggles. From memory, there has been always a room to prepare your team before boss battles. Reborn is well designed. Concerning your team, here is what I suggest. There are many options possible so you should try by yourself and see what's the best for you: Quagsire with Toxic/Recover/Earthquake/Scald with max EV in HP and Def/Spe Def. It's a defensive pokemon and it will work better that way. Toxic and Scald are TM so you can replace them anytime. Water Absorb and Unaware are good abilities and they can be useful in several situations. A-Ninetails is very good. Aurora Veil rules. Cain should have Poison Jab. STAB moves is always good. Spikes and Baton Pass are fine too. I suppose you give the speed boost it to your Incineroar or your Empoleon. You can try Sword Dance later when it's available. Empoleon with Scald and Flash Cannon at least. STAB is good. Or Hydro Pump instead of Scald. But Scald can burn and it can save you. Ice Beam should replace Icy Wind when available. I don't know if you need Grass Knot. Your call. You can try Toxic, Stealth Rock too. You can try a Choice Spec as well. Incineroar is cool with the Z-move. But you can try Assault Vest. Fake Out is good too, especially paired with Toxic.. Snarl is very good in double battles. Knock Off should replace Darkest Lariat if you get rid of the Z-Crystal. Choice Band is fine too. Flygon should have Stone Edge instead of Fly, or maybe Iron Tail for Fairies. You can try Dragonium-Z with Outrage: it's deadly. If not, just give him a Life Orb, it will ensure some K.Os. Yache Berry is very niche. I don't know if you had to use it a lot.
  19. With the charm, the chance to not have a shiny is (0,99)^3. Almost 3%. So you're lucky yes. (I like these kind of math because you can calculate the flinch chances in different situations) What's that ?
  20. It depends on your playstyle. Gastrodon and Quagsire are defensive pokemon while Seismictoad can be played both ways. Personnally, I would pick the toad. It will take advantage of Swift Swim, add speed to your team. With Earth Power and Sludge Wave, he can handle Electrik and Grass types. The two others need Toxic and Recover to function well. Toxic is very late-game. Plus, they're slow and their abilities are useless in a monowater run.
  21. Yesterday announcement made me realize that I knew some piece of nostalgia, orchestrated.
  22. Haha thank you for the kind comments and for learning me the word 'quips'. I should get back to this run but work has been a time issue these months. It's an E18 brand new feature. Overlevelled pokemons will disobey you only from the next battle. When they get past the cap in-battle, they're still under your command. It's like they feel overconfident just because they won once more. Jerks.
  23. Hello! I see many things in your team that I would like to change: Decidueye is ok. Sword Dance should replace Brave Bird when available. Also, Overgrow > Long Reach because it can power up Leaf Blade. And it will happen because this guy is slow and will take hits before counter-attacking. Rotom-Heat is weird. Hex is almost useless when you have STABs such as Overheat and Discharge. Also, Thunderbolt > Discharge if you play offensively. You should get rid of Charge and get Toxic/Pain Split ... Rotom can hold a Choice Spec if necessary. Then, you can go all attack-out. A Life Orb would suit him too. If played defensively, just give him Leftovers. I like Mega-Swampert. You should replace Rock Slide by Ice Punch. This move is an answer to both Flying and Grass types. Also, Rain Dance makes Swampert deadly. Pangoro : Knock Off instead of Foul Play. Foul Play uses the opponent's attack and not Pangoro's high attack stat. Let's say you use it on an Alakazam, it won't suffer a lot. Plus, Knock Off will help removing the several items Reborn's trainers hold. Also, Close Combat instead of Drain Punch maybe ... Gunk Shot is cool to damage Fairy types who wall you. Personnaly, I would give Choice Band to this guy. Noivern : I would give Choice Spec or Life Orb to this dragon. Draco Meteor could be used instead of Dragon Pulse. Also, a deadly but not so accurate Hurricane instead of Air Slash, especially if it's rainy, but not mandatory. I would replace Super Fang by Heat Wave because Steel-types are a pain. Finally, Silvally! I don't know how to play this guy. He is bulky so Toxic, Thunder Wave and Parting Shot are good. But a Steel-Memory with Multi attack AND Iron Head is redundant. Sword Dance would be cool but it's not available yet. You can try a mixed set with Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. I don't know. As for Gren instead of Pangoro. Why not! It would add speed to your team. Greninja has many options, can setup hazards, can be played physical and special. He is frail however. It will struggle in double battles. And finally, concerning M-Kang. That monster is broken with Seismic Toss. It's up to your playstyle because Mega-Swampert breaks noses too.
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