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About RoseGoldLaugh

  • Birthday 07/02/1993

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    from The Bahamas

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Thanks for the responses! I'm glad to know that I didn't miss out on something important. I'm really curious to see where this goes in a future episode.
  4. Hello, I have played through version 8.1 before and I'm on my second playthrough. Right now I'm at the part where we meet Florin and Flora in Darchlight Woods and I must have just sped through it all willy-nilly the first time I played. Now I realize from the dialogue that there is a possibility that we have already met them before, because Florin remembers our name and Flora suggest that we have spoken to them before. It goes on to say that we look like we don't know what they're talking about and that they're probably mistaken. I just want to make sure that I'm not tripping-out. I'm pretty sure we haven't actually spoken to them before this point but I might be wrong. Does anyone remember speaking to them before, or is this just something we have to see development on in future versions?
  5. For me, Parting Shot is pretty useful. While playing through Reborn a while ago, I accidentally deleted a move on my Pangoro for Parting Shot but I was glad I did because it came in handy for me against the Ditto-Arceus. With its Attack and SpAttack lowered just a little my bulkier pokemon were able to take hits and finish him.
  6. My sister started playing Reborn first (I think she discovered it from watching shofu) and she kept telling me how much she really liked it. She told me I should definitely download and play it, but I didn't do so until a few months later when I was really bored. I really liked how different it was from other Pokemon fangames I saw and by the time I battled Shelly for the first time, I was in love with the game
  7. I think by far the two starters that are tied with each other for my favorite are Cyndaquil and Piplup, especially since flash fire and defiant two of my fav hidden abilities of the starter lines. When I first started playing Reborn, I appreciated the fact that I often ended up having to use pokemon I would have never thought twice about using. Swalot was one example of a pokemon that I would not have given too much attention too, but it worked its way to being a crucial member to my Reborn and Rejuvenation team rotations.
  8. I watched the anime a while ago and really enjoyed it, and the manga is definitely one of my favorites!
  9. I can't really remember when I first used shy-twinee as a username, but it had to be some time in highschool. I coined it based on: every since I was little, I have been a shy gal I have an identical twin and the school guidance counselor, like most people, couldn't tell us apart so she would often call us twinny when only referring to one of us (I like spelling it as twinee) and the nickname just grew on me.
  10. I have even tried wearing make-up more often but I guess since I don't go the extra mile and cake it on, I still don't look my age.
  11. I'm just curious to see if anyone else out here experiences the struggles of having a baby-face. Sometimes I feel like an adult trapped in a pre-teen body. I thought that by the time I turned 18 people would start looking a little more mature but that didn't happen. Most of the time when I travel solo I have airport security ask me how old I am or tell me that I have to be at least 13 to go through the body scanner, once a female officer even asked me "Sweetie, where's mom?" I know I'll probably appreciate it as a compliment when I get over 30, but right now it kind of sucks being in my early 20s and people perceiving me as a kid.
  12. In version 8.1, I found the poliwag in the Terajuma Jungle but can't find the one that is supposed to be stationed in Terajuma Shore.
  13. Hello: I am lost on how to progress with the very last Help Center request marked ??? in Kristiline Town (version 8.1). The instructions are to go to Terajuma Shore, but when I search through that area I can't find where Dr. Jenkel is. Some help is greatly appreciated
  14. I think the next silent person is in the Ranger Outpost located on the Resort's beach.
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