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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShadowTagKatie

  1. I first played through Reborn years ago, but now I am back! I was really hoping for a Larvesta egg, but alas, I have a Marill now. I am hoping to trade some Marills for other egg mons. My most wanted are Larvesta or Vulpix (because I love them) and Shroomish/Staryu (because I have never used these before and would like to give it a shot). If you can trade, I have a few Marills with Belly Drum to trade. One is shiny and two are perfect 6x31IVs, though both of those are female.
  2. Mamoswine--never even bothered to evolve a Swinub in the Nintendo games, but I've used this beast in every gym since I got him.
  3. ShadowTagKatie, same as here! You can just trade me a junk Pokemon, though if you have access to all floors of the Department Store I am out of Link Stones and would appreciate one of those. I could also hook you up with a 5IV Yamask if you want to breed your own with Nasty Plot. I don't have a Spiritomb so I can't do it :c
  4. I have a 5IV Snorlax with Curse if that's all the same to you?
  5. I have a shiny Froakie you can have! It has 5x31IVs but they are in the wrong stats (x in attack). Still, he's yours if you want him!
  6. Requested Pokemon : Drilbur Gender(Male or Female) : Does not matter. Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Link Stone, if available! Ability : Doesn't matter. Nature : Doesn't matter. IV Spread: Doesn't matter. Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Normal. With or without Egg Moves: Either! Other Egg Moves(please specify) : Offered Pokemon : Chikorita Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item : Leftovers. Ability : Overgrow (I can change) Nature : Docile (I can change) IV Spread: 31/31/31/13/31/31 Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny Egg Moves : Ancient Power Online ID : ShadowTagKatie
  7. @Asuta I am looking for a Magikarp and Gastly if you have them available! IVs do not matter at all. I can offer a 5IV Shiny Lileep, a 6IV Female Froakie, or a 5IV Shiny Pawniard if any of those appeal to you?
  8. No problem! Best of luck finding everything
  9. Same as on this forum--ShadowTagKatie. Bring an extra junk Pokemon too--found an extra Treeko!
  10. I am not! If you happen to have any Magikarps or Ghastlys I don't have either of those, but you can just have them otherwise
  11. I have quite a few 5IV Froakies--you could have any of those--and then some Axews/Larvestas with decent IVs. @tfsbaeta
  12. I am interested in a Brave Bird Zubat and Belly Drum Marill. A Feebas would also be nice if you don't like my offers for the previous two! I'm fine with imperfect IVs, too, if you have any rejects with those egg moves. I have both male and female 5x31s of Froakie, Omanyte, Lileep, Kabuto, and Anorith. I also have just shiny (no IVs) Omanyte, Lileep, Spheal, Lapras, Oshawott, Heracross, Noibat, and Quagsire.
  13. @~ Guiller ~ Do you have a list of shinies you want? I'd love the last Phanpy if I have something to trade for it.
  14. @Avria Thank you so much! Just let me know when you're around to trade. Also, I'd love to enter the raffle! Edit: Forgot to mention that my server username is the same as it is here--ShadowTagKatie.
  15. Pokemon Requested: Larvesta Gender (Optional): Egg Moves (Optional): IVs (Optional): Nature (Optional, free): Pokerus (Optional, free): Ability (Optional, free): Other (Optional): Offering: Shiny Boldore (lvl 54) Gender (Optional): Female Egg Moves (Optional): N/A IVs (Optional if they're not high): N/A -and/or- Offering: Shiny Wingull (lvl 52) Gender (Optional): Female Egg Moves (Optional): N/A IVs (Optional if they're not high): N/A Via ctrl+f I believe you don't have these yet? I apologize if I've messed up somehow. First post on the forums...I just adore larvesta and would love to have one!
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