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About arcoathena

  • Birthday 03/01/1999

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  • Interests
    Anime, video games, writing, playing music, composing music, egyptology, Japan, astronomy, lots of things really

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  1. I got a new charger. it cost 80$ but at least now I can play reborn again

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. Garnet.


      lit lit lit lit lit lit lit lit lit flame emoji heat heat heat one hunnit emoji clap hands emoji key emoji x3 major keys to success

  2. arcoathena


    Banned because did you just say superman is better than batman
  3. AGREED. The trailers are all masterpieces, and really got me hyped. I'm so mad at Konami for that. I feel like the series is incomplete now, because they didn't let Kojima truly finish MGSV. It was supposed to bring everything full circle, and explain Big Boss better, and ugh. I judt feel like the game could have been so much better (not that it wasn't amazing already) if they had just let Kojima do what he want.
  4. arcoathena


    Banned because you chose Squirtle and Bulbasaur but not Charmander.
  5. Right now I am watching Tower of Druaga: the Sword of Uruk
  6. my laptop charger broke and now I can't play reborn. welp

    1. Lits


      RIP, we knew ye well (best of luck getting another)

    2. arcoathena


      ONE DAY after starting it. They cost like $80. good luck m

  7. my laptop charger broke and now I can't play reborn. welp

  8. I am a day late but HI! I'm new here, but I've known about Reborn for years, and I have aaaaalways wanted to play it, but I didn't really know how fan made games worked or how you could play them. Several years later, here I am currently playing it while having fun in the forums :^) My name is Nicole, but I don't mind being called any nicknames people come up with. I love anime (I've watched a ton, but my favorites include Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, ERASED, Evangelion, Yu-Gi-Oh, FMAB, and a lot of others) I've been a giant pokemon fan for all of my life, and even had some of the old episodes on VHS, and my mom would put it on TV even when I was a baby. I mostly like the games, 'cuz the anime is a little too childish for my taste. I like other video game series like Metal Gear Solid (woo!), Naruto Storm, Fire Emblem, Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, and Shrek 2 for the PC (yes. Shrek.) When I'm not being a weaboo I enjoy writing (I have several major ideas for books in my head this very moment), playing music, composing music, Egyptology, astronomy, and playing children's card games. So yeah I like meeting new people even though I may be shy or awkward (or the complete opposite, too eccentric) so anyone who wants to add me or just message me, go ahead! it's 4:20 am (blaze it) so this is messy but I hope I'm doing this right? Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I look forward to getting to know the community and Team Mystic ftw I don't care
  9. arcoathena


    Banned for reminding me of Your Lie in April. Why would you do that?
  10. DEFINITELY it has all 3 -Gameplay is super fun and intense -Story goes deep and I swear to god you're going to shit yourself when the senator says a certain something (especially if you live in the U.S.) -you already listened to that one and imo it isn't even the best one out of all of 'em. For me the most important thing is the plot, but that's just me. If it's got a boring plot I probably won't play it (and all the MGS games have amazing plot which is why I'm so in love with it) I really really really hope there will be a Rising 2 (and there is hinting towards it) but I don't know how it'd work with Konami being shit and Kojima leaving...
  11. I have to listen to that song at least once a day. Like I said, it goes deep, and the music and the lyrics all reflect the character's ideals. "Standing here, I realize You are just like me trying to make history But who's to judge the right from wrong When our guard is down I think we'll both agree Violence breeds violence But in the end it has to be this way" I don't know if you know when that song plays, so I'm gonna shut up so that I don't spoil anything shit I gotta listen to it now omfg I FORGOT TO MENTION the music is so cool in this game. It's like metal and electronic and just fits it so perfectly. I bought the entire soundtrack album, it's just too good.
  12. "We are all pawns of something even greater: memes, the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on." YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THE BOSS BATTLE WITH ARMSTRONG OMFG
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