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About JayFam

  • Birthday 07/05/2000

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  • Interests
    -All things Pokemon
    -Fire Emblem
    -Mountain Biking
    -Rock Climbing
    -Rainy Days :]

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. There you go. The more you know. Thanks Atticus and other people that replied :]]]
  3. So can someone tell me what it is with red headed chicks named Titania?? Obviously there's one in Reborn, one of the main characters in Fairy Tail is nicknamed Titania and is a red headed and female, and I just discovered after browsing the Fire Emblem Heroes website that one of the characters in FE: Path of Radiance is a red head woman named Titania. Is there something that I'm missing?? If I had to guess, Fairy Tail got it off Fire emblem and Reborn got it off Fairy Tail but idk. Someone school me pls V (Fire Emblem) V V (Fairy Tail) V V (Reborn) V
  4. -25 *sips starbucks like a basic bish*
  5. Ame's twitter has 666 followers O.o Hail Satan
  6. Huh. It's cool how Ame added little easter eggs and secrets like that to give the region more history. Where would I find an odd keystone?
  7. So I'm fairly early on in the game. I just beat Cain's sister and I came across the underground area in the wasteland. Can someone please tell me what the hell is up with Mr Bigglesworth? Also, the tower thing that says there's something missing. Is that relevant at all? And last but not least, the reborn style door that pops up everywhere that's in that area. I'm gonna assume it's relevant to the story sometime in the future but just in case, is there a way of opening it or is it saved for a future event? Sorry if all of this was answered in another post :/
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