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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by t831011

  1. So what pokemon do you need?
  2. Hi Wandering Corvus what are grand hall trainers , are they some repeatable trainer that can be found after completing EP15? HI Josef I've found all the stickers already, the south adventure wood one really killed me. I got a silver card behind Corey's Stunky, what would it do? HI mde2001 I'm thinking that I should train a "dragon slayer type" pokemon because my current team have no ice/fairy type move. Any suggestions? Maybe a High speed Ice/Fairy type? Will Lapras, Amaura, Sylveon work? Their speed isn't so good though. Hi Taska I'll sure spend my time on breeding and ev training, just to make sure I didn't miss something important.
  3. Just beat her So did I just finish Ep15? is there some place I should go next? Are there some interesting side event between entering Agate circus and beating Ciel? I was doing the main storyline all the time so I guess I miss a lot of cool things.
  4. Hi I'm trying to do a mouse monotype run here My current squad are Pachirisu Cinccino Excadrill Emolga, and I will obtain cyndaquill in later game. I would like to have a Marill added because it can't be found in current release I believe. I'll like the Marill to be a female with adament nature, thank you. I will breed for the iv and move myself. Game.rxdata
  5. I recently discovered that there was one offering trading service back in 2014. Sad that the post is no longer in service. So is there someone that that can help us trading the pokemon? .
  6. Well I`m cool with my pokemon squad currently. I know larvesta is actually quite a powerful pokemon,but i rather find pokemon that are cute in my eye and travel with them. Marill is much cuter. I`m using an otter obtained during fire gang event,it strikes hard too, not too bad.
  7. I just entered 7th street in plot, and find out in previous post that you save an old man in the museum of spinel town to get a plum fossil, and it has to be at night. Head to the museum but no meteor gangs there. what am I doing wrong?
  8. Hey sheep thanks for the reason I was not that pro of a pokemon player in gen3 games i Always got a Marill as a mascot Never thought it could be a beast
  9. There are 18 different pokemon you could get from that egg, and some of these pokemon can only be obtained here. I wanna catch'em all, the fact that I could only get one of them break my heart. I have been a big fan of since my first pokemon game(Emerald), it's so adorable. However I got Larvesta from the egg :'( Shouldn't some pokemon like Marill, Magikarp, Staryu be easily obtained by fishing? They shouldn't be that rare.
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