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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Drakefire

  1. i went to see if crawli is at the gym an he is there. i guess its because i didnt save in a safe place before i updated.
  2. yes and all the switches say's on.
  3. oh... well when i enterd the place nothing happened but the conversation about the smell of the place. none of the other events triggered and when i enterd the back up lab no one was there were only the four grunts and i fought them. no conversation with ren or anthing else happened for me your saying it was already done?
  4. I am at the secret shore but none of the events are playing for me.... it took me getting to the xen back up lab and exploreing it for me realise that there was suppose to be events happing by that time i caught a shadow pokemon... Sorry. Game.rxdata
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