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Ocho last won the day on March 2 2017

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12 Fledgling

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    Shinyhunting for a Beldum is the definition of masochism

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  1. Copycat fails to use Cosmic Power On the first turn (no idea if it also fails during other turns) Marianette's Delcatty uses Cosmic Power and my Clefairy uses Copycat right after but it fails for some reason. This happens in the blessed field.
  2. Didn't work. I was really hoping that this would finally fix it. Though I do not lose hope yet. Please, if you ever remember trying something else, or any possible solution, don't hesitate tell me. I'm getting desperate. EDIT: OKAY I FINALLY SOLVED IT and the solution was ridiculous...
  3. Didn't work. I was really hoping that this would finally fix it. I've even tried running it for all options available... Though I do not lose hope yet. Please, if you ever remember trying something else, or any possible solution, don't hesitate tell me. I'm getting desperate.
  4. I'm kinda glad to see that I'm not alone here, though not knowing the fix is still frustrating. As I said before, my volume is not 0, it's on 100 and yea i still dont hear a thing. I'm currently looking at the sound drivers and they seem fine? Though I have no idea about what I'm looking at. Man it's just not the same playing with anything on the background. The songs and sound effects of a game express so much about the current situation, location and even emotions, that playing a game without it takes away a lot of content.
  5. Well no I dont have the general volume to 0, otherwise the other fangames that I've tested wouldn't sound either. Though just to make sure I rechecked and its not on 0. And I dont own headphones, so, that's not it either. Though honestly at this point I will just take literally any kind of advice or "have you checked x thing?". It feels so wrong to play a game without audio.
  6. So I posted this a while ago but the single dude/dudette that helped me also had no idea what was going on. When I run the game, there's no audio. When I choose my save file, there's no audio. Nothing ever sounds no matter where I go in the game. I've tried a lot. I've redownloaded the game twice, in one redownload I chose to replace all existent files and in the second one I deleted everything, even my save file, and the redownload but to no avail. I've checked the game properties (when you press F1, the window that pops up) and both of the sound options are ticked/on. I've tried sending someone my save file and they say that it works fine. It also only happens in Rejuvenation, as I've tried with other fan games (Reborn and Uranium) and they sound just fine. And if someone asks: Yes, the volume option in the game is not 0. EDIT: My general volume is in 100 right now and it will stay like that. And just in case, I've tested most of the audio files on Windows Media Player and they work fine. EDIT 2: I've also tried to Run the game in compatibility more for pretty much every possible option, also didn't work... FINAL EDIT: YES I SOLVED IT. What I did was redownloading the game a fourth time, but instead of replacing or deleting the old files after extraction, I just extracted all files directly on my desk (in a folder, obviously). So both my new and old files existed at the same time, but for some reason the ones in my desk worked perfectly while the ones in my documents didn't. I have absolutely no idea why this worked, but if anyone ever gets through the same trouble that I did, try everything I did and everything everyone suggested me to do. Also less importantly if anyone knows why doing this fixed it do tell me.
  7. just tested it and it happens exclusively with rejuvenation. I've tested with Reborn and even Uranium which I haven't opened in a long time and they are fine.
  8. Sorry for being late. I just checked it and I did have it ticked.
  9. So this happened after my computer froze for like half an hour tho im not sure if that's the cause. The game won't play any audio. All the audio files are working and where they're supposed to be. I've checked most of my backup save files and nothing, tho here it's the file anyway just in case you can do something about it Game.rxdata Please help me. EDIT: I've also tried to redownload both the main file and the patch files, to no avail.
  10. It still doesn't work, not in the mornings nor the daytime EDIT: Nevermind im an idiot, thanks.
  11. For some reason, when I select the Sunny Weather wether its harsh or not it won't work. It works fine with all the other weathers but this one.
  12. Also, Luna's team is different now: She no longer has malamar nor sableye Luna now leads with an Absol called White Rabbit, it knows swords dance and night slash (i don't know the other moves) and she now has a weavile with focus sash (I can't remember its moves, sorry)
  13. As of E18, magnemite's line was moved from the abandoned power plant to the cave on route 3, just wanted to make you know so you edit a bunch of posts where you recommend magneton
  14. So I'm doing a steel monorun and in the mystery egg i got Mareanie, does anybody have a Drilbur or a Pawniard to trade? I also accept a Beldum
  15. Hey uh something happened to the Rotom Heat gif
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