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Sentient Bowtie

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Everything posted by Sentient Bowtie

  1. ”I would wish everyone good luck, but I disbelieve the concept of luck in its entirety. Do well.”
  2. Blake calmly pushes himself to his feet. He pulls the knife from his gut, giving it a short once-over. “...My thanks.” is all he says to Gavan. With that, the attendant takes a step south to [I, 6] and turns the weapon on Drifter 2.
  3. "Die, creature." Blake moves to [H, 5] and khucks a nife at the Scout.
  4. ". . ." Blake moves to [H, 8] and attacks Initiate 1 with almost frightening ease.
  5. Coel's faithful attendant takes his place at the lord's side with grim determination. "I'm right here with you, my lord," Blake declares, his voice a hard steel. "No matter what happens, I shall protect you." "Whatever these things are, they won't be a danger to us - or anyone else - for much longer." With that he loosens one of the knives hidden in his sleeves and grips it tightly, every nerve on edge.
  6. Blake managed to find a seat somewhat away from the Vaughns, but close enough that Morgan was within view. He makes an effort to catch their eye and offer a smile, but otherwise leaves them to eat silently. Normally he would have sat closer to his lord, but this was a time of celebration and happiness; there was nothing to worry about for Coel’s sake. Right?
  7. “I can see why one might call them cute, yes. It probably helps that Marcus is less tiny and spindly than most spiders.” Blake continues to stroke Marcus, as the spider seems content with the amount of contact being given currently. “Of course I didn’t freak out. You have an interest in bugs and wanted to show me your pets; I would be a fool to expect anything with less than six legs.” “Is that so? No worries. I dare say I could withstand a spider bite, but perhaps it would be best not to have him bite me at all.”
  8. “Because of the missing leg, I assume. That’s very kind of you.” Blake slowly extends his finger towards Marcus and gives the arachnid’s thorax a stroke. “Most people don’t like spiders very much because they’re ‘scary’. I think they’re useful, though. They kill insects and they mark the passage of time. You always know something is old if it has cobwebs around, after all.”
  9. “Oh... when you said ‘bugs’, I was expecting something like a centipede.” Blake examines Marcus with interest, noting the spider’s missing leg. He seems completely not-freaked-out. ”May I touch him?”
  10. "I can't say I have anything more interesting to be doing, so yes, I would like to meet them."
  11. "Yes, I would keep looking... But not in the same place every time. If you do really wish to find a person who sees past your appearance, you'll just have to branch out and look elsewhere."
  12. "Not necessarily. There might be someone here right know who's read even more books than you have, and would be delighted to discuss reading with you. Or someone who wants an insight into lesser-known forms of magic." "Or even a person who just really likes bugs." "But you will never find any of these people if you never look for them. It just takes patience."
  13. "Forgive me for saying so, but I believe people seem to just goggle at you because you don't speak to them." "They see you as a stranger. An outlier. You make no attempts to become closer to anyone, but everyone else is too busy thinking of you as odd to do it either. So the people stare at you, and you stand in the corner until it's time to leave, and the cycle repeats itself." "Does this sound right to you, Morgan?"
  14. Blake looks perturbed by Morgan's first answer, but says nothing. "Get your parents off your back? What about?"
  15. "Well, that works too, I suppose. It was good seeing you, Commander, everyone." He seems unaffected by the punchable smugness of Lyla's smile, and with another nod, drifts away from the group once more... Blake knew he should probably just leave them alone, but his curiosity (and a bit of pity) forced him to approach the mysterious Morgan. He stands at a respectful distance. "I understand you aren't much for chitchat, friend, so I will make this brief - but I must ask: Why come to an event like this if you prefer not to socialize?"
  16. "If preparations are only mostly complete," Blake suddenly chimes in from almost directly behind Lyla, "it would be wise to just finish off whatever's left to be done and rest afterwards." "Then you won't be scrambling about like a madwoman later when it turns out you had several things left to do and very little time in which to do them." He gives a respectful nod each to Lyle, Renee, and Commander Roland.
  17. Blake slowly wormed his way through the crowd, casually greeting those he knew and introducing himself to those he didn't. However, he never stayed near one group for very long. The cloaked man moved from one cluster of people to the next with a practiced, almost efficient ease. "Thank you for coming... It's good to see you again... Please, enjoy yourselves..." Blake's words are kind, but the hard expression on his face betrays his true intent - to locate anyone suspicious in the crowd and keep an eye on them. His eye is currently on that Vaughn man - woman? - standing alone in a corner, and he meanders past them every once in a while, watching their actions closely.
  18. "Well, I suppose I can hope additional characters will be accepted. Best of luck to you all."
  19. shrug. i guess i took it more harshly than you intended, so i apologize.
  20. They did specifically say it was their first ever mug, so you could stand to be a little less critical.
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