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Xander last won the day on January 9

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  1. Got this error message when starting a new game. Retried and it didn't happen again. I was able to continue onto the game but wanted to let you know.
  2. Not sure if this is a mistake on the guide's end or something wrong with my game but the lady in the flower shop won't tell me about the Budew password when you mention it. I don't know if there needs to be something else that happens before but even with messing with the switches and variables needed it doesn't happen.
  3. The Nincada encounter in the Byxbysion Wasteland should be bolded since that's the next available chance to catch it after the egg from Malchous Forest. The same can also be said about the Panpour and Pansear encounters in the Spring. In your strategy talk for the Rime badge you say that we have access to the Wide Lens when I think you meant Zoom Lens. In the Tanzan Depths the Geodude and Graveler that you find are their Alolan variants.
  4. Xander

    Early Wimpod

    Yeah, if it was removed then that would explain why I haven't gotten it again but it's still there when you open rpgmaker.
  5. I know it's supposed to be like a 1/10 chance that the blitzle is actually a wimpod but since we have the mono passwords shouldn't the bug and water passwords change that event as well?
  6. Best birthday present ever!!!
  7. I just realized that the community release comes out the weekend of my birthday but I won't be able to play it since I'll be out of town celebrating
  8. Since you're so early it probably won't make a huge difference anyway
  9. The day this releases I'll be celebrating the only way I know how. Gambling with the best mini game, Voltorb Flip
  10. When using the Today is Every Day mod Beth in the Sheridan shop doesn't appear even if you have the correct time and date without the mods
  11. This comes up whenever fury swipes is used
  12. There's a mod that lets you change the pickup chance. See if that helps.
  13. It also learns taunt which is great if you know that you're faster than your opponent so that they can't use status or set moves.
  14. Getting a Simple Woobat is also pretty good since it learns Calm Mind before Corey.
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