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Everything posted by ChronoZero

  1. MEGA Bisharp type Steel/Dark Ability Tought Claws (Boost the pokemon contact move by 30%) HP:65 Atk:125 -> 170 (+45) Def:100 -> 110 (+10) Sp.atk:60 -> 30 (-30) Sp.def:70 -> 100 (+30) Speed:70 -> 105 (+35) BST= 495 -> 595(+100) Bisharp now can learn Meteor mash, Darkes lariat, Shift gear, bullet punch Bisharp was once a great pokemon to be used in the OU tier but when 7 gen comes out bisharp usefulness in the tier decreases because of Buzzswole and pheromosa so with this MEGA form bisharp can now be a pyshical sweeper and the new moves and ability gives it a lot of boost for its attack Shift Gear
  2. ChronoZero


    im opening the game now user: Chrono
  3. Can i request a male charmander the ivs doesnt matter i have a male eevee with perfect ivs except attack
  4. i got a noivern,but im not sure what set is good for noivern any reccomendation? (Sorry for bad english) Right now my noivern is this set Lv 55 Noivern Moves >Boomburst < throught tutor btw >Super fang >Roost >Air slash Ev and IV HP 36/24 Attack 89/22 Defense 84/24 SP.Atk 42/3 SP.def 13/23 Speed 68/3
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