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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Marrowborne

  1. Hello everyone! After getting a grip on the difficulty of reborn, I have decided I am going to do a playthrough of my own. Originally I decided on a Steel-Type mono run, however after some thought, I decided a blind mono run might not be the best Idea so instead I am going to do something different. It will be pretty much a standard run, however with some self imposed rules. Which are as follows;. Not much in the way of rules, but it does add a bit of challenge. Those are really it for the rules so, lets get started with my run! I will be editing this post with updates, so let me know how you like the run so far Start of game - Fern Battle
  2. Doing a steel-type run, and want to request a pokemon, if it wouldnt be to much to ask. Aron @Lv.1 Brave Nature Rock Head Ability - Tackle - Harden This is conjuction with my piplup starter, so my first two pokemon would be Piplup and Aron. As for the mystery egg, could you possibly make it a drillbur? I am really sorry if I am asking to much, but thank you (really hope I followed those upload instructions correctly lol) Game.rxdata
  3. Normal reborn, but with restrictions. > no items during trainer battles > team is locked, once i have a full team i cant make any substitutions > and no grinding to beat gym leaders, i have to beat them without backtracking to train
  4. In terms of difficulty, how hard would you say a steel type run is?
  5. Im thinking of doing a steel-type mono run on youtube, and as such curious as to what steel types are available early enough that I can still have a challenge, and still habe a decently full team. I know piplup evolves into a steel/water type but beyond that I have no clue. Should I request an extra pokemon or two?
  6. I would think the battles you HAD to lose wouldnt count, maybe instead of your pokemon "dying" they could just faint. Thats just what I thought though.
  7. My teams in my sig, only have Piplup and Grimer at the moment and at 0 badges so im still really early into the game.
  8. Listening to: Five Finger Death Punch - I apologize.

  9. Just caught a grimer, and I plan on using it in my main team. Here are its particulars; Joker the Grimer Careful Nature/Sturdy Body Sticky Hold Ability -Poison Gas -Pound -Harden His IV's are; HP: 26 Attack: 20 Defence: 30 Special Attack: 12 Special Defence: 2 Speed: 0 I know i want to get a black sludge for him, so he has passive healing. Should I make him a tank or a physical sweeper. Also, should I swap his ability from Sticky Hold to Poison Touch? Any tips are appreciated Thank you kindly!
  10. I honestly think both curse and minimize are the MVPs lol following this to see how it turns out!
  11. Go ahead and lock this thread, went ahead and restarted my run.
  12. Restarted my run, only two badges in. Piplup as my starter. Lets do this.

  13. At the current moment, I am fighting Taka and Zel in the 2v1 fight. Been having an issue with the fight, and im not sure if its my team or if its just my tactics. Here is my team, feel free to make any suggestions and make any comments you feel would be useful. Razor the Grotle Bastet the Meowth Jade the Espurr Volcanis the Numel Darter the Pidgeotto Nostras the Pancham
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