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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DaMoustache

  1. Theres something wrong with your game, bunnelbys are rare but phanpys are the most common. Maybe one of your pokemon in front of your party has an ability that repels wild encounters? Or you just have a repel on?
  2. Not sure if this is the rght place to put this but i need to know how to get into the trade cneter in pokemon desolation im in blackview and im completely lost. The grass leader says go into the trade center but i dont know where or which one it is and i need that to get into the power plant, which apperantly has a back door according to a NPC. Im so confused has anyone got a map or youtube video of someone finding the trade cneter? EDIT: nevermind i found it. Im blind apparantly
  3. Pokemon Desolation where is the Trade center?

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