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  1. It worked! Thank you so much. Just had to hand them in in a different sequence.
  2. Hi, i have for done reason at some point in the game released or traded the stolen pokemon required for the Archlight quest. Can someone trade me the pokemon or help me in any way? I need all of them. My online username is kasperhojvang Thank you,
  3. It worked! I was sure it was red. Thank you so much!
  4. Hello, I have run into a small issue. I am in Corey's gym and have turned the pillars red, but the hidden room is not showing. Am I doing something wrong or have I forgot to do something? Thank you in advance for your help. Game.rxdata
  5. Hello, I have run into a small issue. I am in Corey's gym and have turned the pillars red, but the hidden room is not showing. Am I doing something wrong or have maybe forgot to do something? Thank you in advance for the help. Game.rxdata
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