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About Saber-chan

  • Birthday 02/29/1992

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  • Location
    Fuyuki City
  • Interests
    Holy Grail, Excalibur, Guinevere

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  1. Saber-chan

    Old Map

    I missed many event pokemon that requires the old map (the destroyed and polluted reborn) Is there a way to go back to the destroyed reborn, or is there a way to get the pokemons like zorua, emolga, helioptile, etc?
  2. If I do not start a new game and continue my save from EP15, which is after I beat Ciel, will I miss something?
  3. My Race is Imperial, but I sided with the Stormcloaks. I just like the concepts of revolutions.
  4. The left side, you mean the ones that are not busy looking at the omanyte? If yes, how? Because nothing happens when I'm talking to the one busy with omanyte.
  5. up until now, I am still figuring out the answer to the bidoof puzzle. Can someone tell me the answer?
  6. I use Roserade and Porygon-z as my sweeper. you can get budew at early game, and can evolve to roselia by raising its happiness. I also use porygon, though you can only evolve it after finding the upgrade item.
  7. where is the person being hunted in the Grand Rogue sidequest?
  8. Can I still end up with Ava or Scarlett even if I gave the onyx keystone to Nova? Also, when asked by Scarlett, I chose her over Ava.
  9. I found a bug: at the start of the game, in the ship. The door to the room that contains the bomb is not LOCKED, and you can trigger the bomb event as soon as you leave your room. If you happen also to trigger the bomb event before talking to Ava inside the room besides the BOMB room, you will become stuck in the game, with all the doors locked.
  10. Thank you for another cool fan game. The three, reborn, rejuvenation, and desolation, have better storyline than the Nintendo Franchise, based in my opinion.
  11. I used a dusknoir with focus sash and curse. I always do the curse + focus sash during single pokemon boss fights. Then a Crobat for Fly (instant 2 turns for curse damage). Then pack some cotton candies/ revives and ultra potion for stalling.
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