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Everything posted by Prof_Eichel

  1. Whoops, yeah, Arcanine normally isn't in the Team, 6th spot is mostly the HM Slave or Floatzel/Poliwrath btw here is the screenshot of the Team + box in bigger, idk why it came out so small http://imgur.com/a/gO5gx Wont ditch Magnezone(+Blaziken & Mamoswine), played with Ampharos in Heartgold, oh gosh the Speed + defence is horrible imho. Magnezone however just stomps if you dont get hit by ground/fire/fighting. All those resistances However i know that the type coverage is really lackluster and thats what i want to improve.
  2. Hey. Now i played through E15 a while ago,(+played through Heartgold + Platinum, ez pz) And now i want some Opinions on my Current Team and where to improve it. I switched quite much and most of the mon in the Box are lvl 65+ and went to use when needed. however there were still some weaknesses not covered. (+ 2x Steel + 2x Psychic) + Eevee (Sylveon,Umbreon or Leafeon maybe? ) + Ralts+ Weepinbell, but those are very low level. I guess Murkrow would be the most viable choice since its a Dark Type. However Archeops or Snorlax wouldn't be too bad either.
  3. Uhm. Is it possible to soft reset? Did the Cerracosta Puzzle 3x and always received a Cover Fossil. BUT I WANT A ARCHEN/PLUME MOMMY nvm, there is a second puzzle for archen
  4. Can recommend Magneton 10/10. Stomps nearly everything, always had problems to not get over the level cap with it +My Mamoswine has also been quite usefull . I think you can get a Swinenub in the icy cave in front of the old powerplant. After 9 badges you can also get a Beldum / OP Metagross. not sure if you might want to keep gothielle until then instead of grinding up the gardevoir.
  5. Yeah, but I'm more progressed in the Story, i just beat Laura (?) the Fire Gym Leader in Celistine or Calceon City or whatever its called and went back to the Circus to challenge Terra to get HM Dive. However she's not in the Circus, only Samson & Ciel. Ciel's saying that Terra dissapeared and she's goddamn right, i cant find her Edit: Argh. Terra is for waterfall, dive is found in the circus in one of the shops. Lets go and end the famine!
  6. Hey. I have to find TeRRRRRRRawr to battle her and get the Dive HM to save Ametrine City. However i have no clue where to look for her and i think i checked nearly everywhere. Celestinine+Ametrine Mountain (or whatever its called, the icy cave), The routes 2+3 between the Circus and Calcenon city etc. Plz Halp or Heather starves and Shelly's going to be sad :feelsgn:
  7. Well what i know: -Talk to the 2 Meteor Grunts in the Museum. I read somewhere they only show up @ night (8pm-4am) -Talk with the Curator that was locked behind them ? -deafeat the Grunts in Tanzan Mountain Base (Thats the point where i don't know if i did that. i mean there are more than 2 of them in the entire base) After You destroyed the Pulse thingy the Meteor Base is unaccessible since a Rock fell in front of its entry - so better do stuff beforehand^^ But im not sure if all that is still true, just read stuff and most was from 2015
  8. @ Archen what do i have to do exactly to get the fossil? i spoke with the 2 grunts in the museum, cleared tanzan Mountain and well, get nothing from the curator. Are the 2 grunts in tanzan Mt somehow hidden or somthing?
  9. Well - I'm stuck again. So i'm in the Cave where you get after Team Meteor attacks Laura's house. Aaaaand now i have to fight a Lvl 75 Steelix . Lvl Cap is 55 Thats my Team atm: So Yeah. Magneton is useless (Discharge+Flash Cannon = 0 Dmg...) , Donphan is pretty useless (EQ, Knock off (to slow to knock off stellix berry ugh)), Mamoswine is useless (EQ, Ice shard, Ancient power) ,EQ is Type Rock, since its a Rock field [ http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/fields.html#14 ] Gothitelle get out a bit dmg but is 1Hit KOed anyways. So Blaziken deals a bit dmg with Fire spin but EQ onehits it afterwards. Heatmor maybe get one Heatwave out and then gets EQ'ed Aaaaaand I faint. Pokemons on the PC: Fire: Magcargo, Torkoal , but both are slow as snails and guess worthless to grind since dead before 1st move. Litleo+Growlithe (Lvl 18 + Lvl26) incl Fire Stone to get Arcanine. So i guess if i grind them, should work(at least better than Tarkoal+Marcargo). however im stuck in the cave (am I ?escape rope doesnt work - ) and grinding fire against Onix etc. is pain in the a... Water: Floatzel Lv30 Panpour Lv22 + waterstone Eevee Lvl5 + Water Stone (is Vaporeon still worth it? Smth to watch out when to evolve eevee?) Krabby (No good SpAtt...) Guess that are my best options. Anyway here's my full PC. Maybe some secret weapon vs Stellix? :Kappa: Some suggestions? dont want to grind some pokemon from 20 to 50 just to see it was a waste of time :feelsgn: €: Or go to older safegame and get something entirely different? - Did it, Back in the Cove again. €2: Right now im Grinding Growlithe & looking for a Polimud. Growlithe is now lvl 38, and i found exactly 1 Poliwag(only lvl 18) -.- Well i guess when im around 50 with the growlithe i'm try it once more. €³ Finally got it. Arcanine + Magneton's Magnet Rise worked. The Abra afterwards was pretty easy, Magneton + Sturdy + Discharge w paralysed and i didnt lose a single pokemon
  10. thanks for all the input folks so atm im re-grinding my donphan @ Beryl Graveyard after teaching it knockout and lookin if i might get a bunnelby. So im training at daytime and haven't seen one. what are the chances to get one? iu guess below 1% ? + any recommendations for a water Type? Or is water not needed that much? have a nice day! € Donphan got up to 34 now, very strong!
  11. Hey comrades Edit² Ep15 done, build Team for E16 Post http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21824&page=#entry557170'> #11 €: new problem in Post # 7 big fan, small question: I'm Pretty new to Pokemon reborn, started playing like 3 Days ago and managed to get 3 Gym badges however i have no idea what/how team to build, i stopped playing pokemon after 3rd Gen (not sure if i fastplayed some gen 4 on a emulator though). so i hardly know the newer ones and i have the feeling those are more common than gen 1-3. + soo many options and pretty balanced not like "catch lvl 5 Abra+ pikachu" and then just onehit stuff ^^ So that are the ones i got atm: experimented a bit with weepinbell, but got rekt all day long. granbull's close combat's pretty strong, but the rest of it seems meh. Mahikuita has always been one of my favs of Gen3, however is it usefull when my Blaziken is fighting type too? I'm planning to get a Magneton(should get one really soon, or?). guess this would make the pawniard i got from the mystery egg not very uswfull(+ evolves not untill 52). Floatzel seems to be kinda underwhelming too, but i think its better than the panpour i used before. The swoobat has proven itself pretty useful, however with Unzefant i already got a Fly Type and Gothita already a Psycho, so yeah.. atm i'm hunting for a bunnelby near the 3rd gym, however i also got a phanpy/donphan and shouldn't a donphan be much better than diggerby? sure, its a bit slower, but has much better atk+ def stats and equal moves? guess half of the questions are retarded, but atm i simply just dont know what to do^^
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