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Rainlove last won the day on February 1 2019

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82 Samaritan


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    The dumpster behind Burger King

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  1. I haven't played Rejuvenation in a couple of years now, and was wondering if anyone can help me getting few Pokemons and items? I would be eternally grateful~ Pokemons: 1). I have chosen Mudkip as a starter, if you can adjust its nature to Adamant with 31 IVs 2). Togepi F (Naive, Serene Grace), Porygon (Bold, Download), Munna (Relaxed, Synchronise, Shiny), Skorupi (Naughty, Sniper) All in Egg forms with 31 IVs 3). Blacephalon (Shiny, Modest, at level 25) with 31 IVs Items: Swamperite, Evolite, King's Rock, Leftovers, Razor Claw, Assault Vest, and Mega Ring Thank you so kindly~ <3 Game.rxdata
  2. You need to go to the area where it has the well. It is behind the bridge where the 2 Cubones are walking. You need interact with the well to target the event; the guy will appear afterwards.
  3. So I repeated my run for V13, and I was able to find Dawn Stone in the area under Goldenleaf Town. The same area where you catch Phantump, and face the Shuppets and Scraggys. There is a room down there with number 2, once you open it, it takes you to a chest where it gives you Down Stone.
  4. I think you need to repeat your run for those because this is for V12 and not V13. V12 doesn't have Galar in them. I'm very thankful. You literally saved me haha!
  5. Sorry for creating a whole post about this. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find V12 post where it had the PBS located in it. If you have V12 PBS would you mind sending them my way? Highly appreciated <3
  6. Any possible way we can make the game faster? I'm assuming the "Fn" doesn't work anymore?
  7. I remember a while back I came across this post posted by @Kruppstahl He created the Angel of Death Gardevoir back sprites, and I forgot to save them. I came across the post again and it looks like the images have been broken. Were you guys been able to save the sprites? I would love to use them. Please let me know
  8. Pokemon Rejuvenation is one of the best games I have ever played (Along with Reborn and Desolation). It is as exactly like Reborn in darkness and style. It is the perfect option in my opinion.
  9. It's the gym I suffered with the most. I don't want to spoil it to you. It's super......let's just say skill linky!!
  10. That is not the only way to defeat her. One of the strategies to use is shattering her field, which is how I won against her. You can still use or create other strategies luv. There are many ways you go to.
  11. Lol wait until you face the Normal gym leader. You need to shatter her field. Bulldoze will do the trick. After that she is super easy. Good luck luv.
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