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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Xynteki

  1. Yea, I been there, otherwise he wouldn't have told me where to battle him, right? (It's my first playtrough so that's just my assumption) I just checked again and the scene was replayed for some odd reason.. Now they're gone. Really weird becaue I've been to his old house multiple times and that didn't do anything either, after I restarted the game and went there again as you suggested it just replayed the scene. Nonetheless, thank you very much for the help!
  2. Good evening/day everybody! (I'm sorry if this is posted twice, after clicking on submit reply it said the post is hidden..) I'm currently stuck in Addenfall or to be more specific, Route 4. After Tristan told me to head there in order to fight him these two are blocking the path to the bridge where I'm supposed to fight telling me they can't let me pass until repairs are finished (as seen in the screenshot) I've talked to every living soul in Addenfall to see if they mention something about a repair and googled if somebody else had that problem prior but found nothing. Thanks in advance! (And yes, I've patched to the latest version! :))
  3. I did with like, the purest luck ever but as I mentioned, a situation like this where you could be stuck and perhaps forced to restart shouldn't occur, I really hope Jan is going to see this and is going to add a option to either spawn pokemon there or let the player go back to Gearen City
  4. This can't be it, there's gotta be another way, there's no way this isn't thought through thoroughly Edit: I made it though a miracle, but in all seriousness, without sounding disrespectful or mean, this part in particular, must be changed in a patch or later versions because imagine a new player coming into and having no idea of Rejuvenation or Reborn in particular and is going to be stuck here aswell because of reasons like that. Let Pokemon spawn so you have at least the chance to lvl up your team or other Pokemon that can deal with it I only got lucky with flinching and paralyze activating 5x in a row in combination with solrocks heal blockade, if I wouldn't have had solrocks heal block I rly would've needed to restart.
  5. What's debug mode if I may ask? I'm really open to anything at this point, I've tried as much as I can but it seems impossible..
  6. Is there nothing I can do? Am I really just stuck and have at worst case scenario, restart..?
  7. Luxray: Spark Ice Fang Crunch Thunder Wave (I always do that as 1st Move, sadly, Luxray get's 1 shot after that) Lycanroc: Rock Slide Stealth Rock Crunch Accelerock Arcaine: Outrage Flare Blitz (My go to, but he get's 1 shot aswell with 1 sludgwave and deals not even 10% of it's HP) Crunch Close Combat Decidueye: Leaf Blade Synthesis Spirit Shackle Brave Bird Solrock: Zen Headbutt Rock Slide Heal Block (I do that after paralyzing it but as mentioned, none of my team is able to dmg it hard) Magma Drift Sylveon: Swift Quick Attack Moonblast Refresh (Wish I had Mist on her..) That's about it, everybody just get's demolished in 1 hit besides Solrock and Lycanroc but they don't deal any dmg to it whatsoever
  8. Sad part is, I've tried every possible strategy with the team you can imagine, here the problem is, my solrock and lycanrock deal such a low amount of dmg that it just heals it back, I got five turns with heal blockade, if I can't finish it in time, I got no chance I'm clueless on why they didn't think of spawning pokemon there or let us go back because this fight is tough and for me, I just can't seem to win it in any way..
  9. I've tried it this way, but what do you mean solrock for *super effektive dmg* ? The only thing it knows that can dmg him is rock slide (it's a physical solrock) and that does nothing + sludge wave just insta kills it
  10. So, I seem to have a huge problem I cannot pass at any way, I'm literally stuck at the garbodor fight in West Gearen (saving garbodor) As you can see from the screen below, those are my pokemon & I didn't think such a hard fight would occur, even worse, I cannot fight/lvl up in any way possible because I can't go back to Gearen City and there are no Pokemon around which I could fight I've tried this fight about 30-40x now and I don't even come close to killing it because it heals more than I do dmg to it. I have no other Pokemon near that lvl and I don't have any moves that could change the terrain Am I really just done here or is there a way to get me out of it? Because I sure as hell can't think of one
  11. I'm confused on where to go, Madelis told me to meet her at the Chamber of awakening but I can't locate where it is I've gone trough forums and people said south of Mt. Valour but I can't seem to remember that place, somebody please help me out
  12. I'm actually hella stuck here is aswell, and it seems I can't remember where Valor mountain is.. I've gone trough the whole map and I can't seem to remember, do you mind to help me out aswell?
  13. Hey, i've a small question towards your guide, is it just me or is there something wrong regarding the pics ? Because for me, they don't show up, for me it's a bunch of numbers as you can see in this link here -> http://puu.sh/qqUK7/bfdeed5fe5.png Do you know what's up with that ? And maybe even know a resolution to fix it ? Thanks in advance!
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