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Lord Van Cren

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  1. I'm completely unable to advance pas the Nightmare University Tile Puzzles on Path 2. The problem, as far as I can tell, is that the southeastern and northwestern terminals are missing a purple tile, making it literally impossible to solve. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Game_2.rxdata
  2. Assuming Jan has intends to make them plot relevant at some point, I don't see why Cera/Eldest couldn't have Regieleki. Then, seeing as how Damien is Alexandra's brother, and therefore also a descendant of Nymeria, and a Dragon Type master, it would make sense for him to obtain/posses Regidrago.
  3. Good point about the Regis being likely dimensional rifts. It's also notable that Amethyst Grotto was defended by a group of Regigias in WLL, and Nymeria definitely seems to be the primary Protector associated with Amethyst Grotto. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, didn't Nymeria say Amethyst Grotto was her "blessing" like how Vivian and Anju received the Springs of Purification and Preservation? Or was it that Amethyst Grotto was for all of the Protectors?
  4. Does anyone else think Hazuki will be key to rescuing Saki, and might even be the person we actually fight for the badge? She's almost definitely a Steel type user, she's a Blakeroy, and she's indicated that our paths would cross soon. It's also possible that we will "cure" Saki of whatever Freya did to her, but the cure incapacitates her so that she is temporarily unable to battle. Furthermore, the inability for us to fight leaders the right way (or at all) is a key part of Amanda's and whoever created her's plan.
  5. After I defeated Adam in the tournament and was told to board the ship, I decided to use fly to do the Gearen Restoration quests. Once I was done, I tried to return to the Grand Dream Stadium using the Route 9 train, but the only options are Grand Dream Station (which is unavailable because of the lockdown) and... Route 9? I tried selecting Route 9, hoping that it was a text error that still led to the Stadium, but the train deposits me at Route 9 as though I had arrived from taking the Grand Dream Station train. I can't fly to anywhere in GDC, including the Stadium, but even if I get in via Claydol, there's no way (to my knowledge) to get to the Stadium on foot, amd if there is, it might be blocked off by the lockdown. Can anyone help? Game_2.rxdata
  6. Where are these shops located? To the best of my knowledge, there are no Pokemarts in GDC, just the Department Store.
  7. Hi. I have been stuck for months because while training to beat the Puppetmaster, I overleveled. However, there is no way to purchase Reverse Candies in GDC at this point in the game. I tried updating to V10, but that only made me even more overleveled. Is there anyway at all for me to get out of this problem?
  8. Hi, now that Version Ten has launched and the level difference is even greater, is there any way at all for me to get reverse candies before defeating the Puppetmasters?
  9. Hello, I was wondering where reverse candies can be obtained in Grand Dream City. I am currently trying to grind for the Puppet Master(s) fight in Nightmare City, and accidentally overleveled.
  10. Hi, I am currently coming back to Rejuvenation after several months and I am now totally lost. The last thing I remember was the boy (I forgot his name) telling me to go somewhere in the GDC Penthouse, but I don't remember where to go.
  11. Not entirely sure if this the right place to ask, but in the V9 version of Chrysalis Manor, there are three codes located around the area. The issue is that I forgot to write down the first code (last in the sequence of input), and that area of the Chrysalis Courtyard is inaccessible. Does anyone remember/know the code? Thank you for you help. Nevermind, I'm an idiot, and couldn't see the exit.
  12. It seems to me like you're under the impression that Reborn and Rejuvenation take place in the same region/continuity, which isn't the case. Though Rejuvenation was inspired by Reborn and their developers have worked together (perhaps not on the games, but in a more general sense), there is no real connection in the plot of Reborn and Rejuvenation.
  13. Thanks, but actually, I'm just before fighting Amber at her party, so I'd really rather not delete my save at this point, and lose seven (almost eight) badges worth of progress.
  14. Hello. I am unfortunately having a major problem with Version 8 of Pokemon Rejuvenation. A bit of backstory in case it helps at all : Originally, I had downloaded either the Sixth or Seventh Version of Rejuvenation about 2 months ago. The game worked fine, ( with the Xerneas icon, labeled as "Game") until I accidently chose the wrong character and closed the game to restart and reselect. Unfortunately the game no longer worked. Upon attempting to launch it, a brief screen would flash for a split second then disappear, and nothing happened after that. The game didn't open anymore. I deleted and redownloaded (this time Version Six, I couldn't find version Seven or Eight as I thought they would be on the) several times throughout the summer, but it appeared without the Xerneas icon, and was instead labeled "Game.exe". On Friday I decided to try again, and this time saw a link to Version Seven's download in Google. To my luck, it worked, with the Xerneas icon labeled "Game". Upon finding out about Version Eight, and downloading it, I encountered a familiar problem. The game was displayed without the Xerneas icon and labeled "Game.exe". The same problem that happened with Version Six occurred. Upon attempting to launch the game, a brief screen would appear for a fraction of a second, disappear, and then nothing would happen. The game doesn't start, and from what brief glimpses of the screen I've seen, it's not an error message. Does anyone have any solutions for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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