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5 Fledgling

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    Chaos Control
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  1. Game_2.rxdata OK so I was in Zone Zero completing the Abandoned Apartment puzzle when it occurred to me to do a humorous Meme Maneuver and walk back to the ship as Aelita and drop all her pokemon in my PC. The exploit worked the first time but the second time I performed it I ended up softlocking my game - the Player Character has despawned from the area where I'm meant to switch back into them to use Blast Powder - and my specified backup save file count was too low so I screwed myself out of undoing it. My friends proceeded to mock me savagely for this karmic justice. That's where I left the attached save file. I attempted game overing with Aelita to regain PC control and then warping around with the use of the debug scripts AFTER this save file to skip ahead in terms of story flags. That seemed to work at first but it later 1. made it impossible to switch to Ren or Aelita in the Pyramid Puzzle, and 2. started screwing with the AI in the boss fights later on (Flora's Torterra and Kieren's Gliscor would not take action, and then the game straight up crashed at the Delpha/Adam fight). I also ended up having to cut out a bunch of the story which sucked. So anyway that's a dead end. I'm fully willing to release my ill-gotten Aelita pokemon if a dev would be magnanimous enough to reset whatever variable may have caused my player character to despawn. Bless. And needless to say I rolled my backup file count up to 90. Just In Case. EDIT: Update, I solved my own problem. It turns out that several of the issues I was experiencing were actually a product of my own incompetence and not sequence breaking. First of all, I was unable to switch between characters in the pyramid because I didn't realize that the suggested key A I had actually rebound to F (my autosort) and not K (my 'accept'). So that was unrelated to the blast powder issue. Second of all, the fights at the top of the pyramid were glitching because I was using the V11 Debug Script and not the V12.2 script (which would explain the improper arguments). With these things corrected I was able to warp past my broken story point, and continue and resolve the quest line. Yeehaw. My only regret is that I was unable to fight Tuff Puff. The exploit with obtaining Aelita's team, and potentially infinite duplicates of it, remains though. As much as it pains me (as someone who enjoys glitched runs), you might want to correct that in V13. I will say that her Goodra makes breeding perfect IV Garchomp much easier. Alright, that's all. Thanks for the amazing game gang
  2. HughJ


    If it's a 1 to 1 correlation it doesn't matter This extends beyond color What if what other people see and recognize as a human face looks like a Picasso to you? All the content is there, and they'd be able to point to the right parts if asked What if someone saw the entire world mirrored? Left and right would still correlate for them, so there wouldn't be any way to distinguish What if another person perceived the entire human range of hearing inverted? So long as they always heard bass as you'd hear soprano, and vice versa, they'd be consistent in distinguishing pitch The idea is that we define colors and sound, and a lot of other sensations by their distinction from one another. Experiences aren't cardinal, they're ordinal.
  3. Maybe I should revive the edgy run. Interest in pokemon is building up again

  4. Back from the dead I guess

  5. Hatred, Deception, and Dread's names sound like something out of my monodark run Also here at reborn we have a mandatory magnezone policy re: the banner
  6. maybe in the sinnoh remake satoshi tajiri will finally include my fan suggestion of the regis' final form, reginormous

    1. Wolfox


      Mega Regigigas. and ofcourse other new mega's

  7. Slow Start is secretly the best ability because it allows everyone to misunderestimate Regigigigigigigigas
  8. I'm excited to play. If the numbers in Japan are any indication, sales over here are not going to be as spectacular as 13 or 14. I'd like to see how they've deepened the world of Gaiden from the pixelated sequel it once was; the art and music look excellent. Supports on the battlefield are a pain in the ass in my opinion. It's nostalgic, sure, but it constricts the scope of conversation and often gives writers an easy out - in FE8 I remember a good amount of C-supports ended with "Stop talking and focus on the big deadly guy three tiles away!" I'm fine with no S supports (immediate reciprocal love is kind of unnerving) but the idea of hanging around on a map forever with no indication of who needs to stand next to whom kind of sucks.
  9. I can't see

    1. Paul25


      The fog is too much today......

  10. This is a very astute point, well said. While I haven't seen any left candidates in the Western world outright dismiss acts of terror as propaganda, there has definitely been a combination of cover-ups (Merkell smothering the ongoing migrant rape crisis) and distraction (citing the mental illness of terrorists and brushing over the strong trend of conversion/recruitment immediately before a strike). Macron's platform and general appearance belies that of another milquetoast corporatist à la the Clintons or Marco Rubio. Even if he does take a page out of the currently-popular reactionary campaigns and ramp up his platform going into the last week, I sincerely doubt he'll effect any change in-office.
  11. "Advocating that the FN remains a non-denominational party, Marine Le Pen regularly states her attachment to secularism (laïcité) in French society. She vigorously defends the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State, stipulating that the French republic does not recognise, grant a salary to, or subsidise any form of religious worship." - From her Wikipedia article Le Pen across much of her platform (pro-abortion, anti-death penalty, anti-iconography) appears to be very much a supporter of secularism. Personally I think she's just taken that stance to the extreme (perhaps as part of the 'de-demonization' of her party). She doesn't want any religious iconography in public, which I think is excessive and difficult to enforce. It's not the government's place to tell people what they should and shouldn't wear, and it certainly isn't its place to send people home or remove their clothing when it doesn't conform to a politician's decrees. As for the irreconcilability of secularism and Islamic beliefs: every Muslim American I've ever personally interacted with has been just as Western as anyone else. Realistically, the religion is perfectly compatible with Western values if its observers allow the doctrine to modernize. Westerners' perception of Islam is warped by our extensive participation in and media coverage of the war-torn countries where Islam happens to be a majority. This is only natural, as we look to countries where a demographic is the majority in an attempt to understand how they might behave. But if you're looking for a real example of how Muslim and Western values might mix, look at densely-Muslim cities and regions within Western civilization. For example, in Detroit, Michigan, there is a large Muslim American population whose behavior and attitude is just as American as anyone else's. Muslim people there are motivated and constructive, towards both American institutions and realizing peace among their own religious community. From my perspective, we have to remember that Islam is a young religion. Formed in the 600's, it has only been around 1400 years. Remember how barbaric Christianity was in 1400 AD? It needs time to modernize, by a mixture of supporting refugees by showing them the value of Western values like tolerance (I know you'll laugh, but it's relative) and allowing the Middle East to work itself out on its own (no more American carpet bombing, please).
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