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Everything posted by HughJ

  1. Why the attacks on Frederick :C RIP Sully, obituary soon Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 34 Lissa: 21 Frederick: 16 Virion: 14 Stahl: 28
  2. -Sully +Frederick Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 29 Lissa: 20 Frederick: 21 Sully: 8 Virion: 18 Stahl: 25
  3. I'm...sorry, everyone... Leave me... Save yourselves...if you can... Goodnight, sweet Prince Chrom. For your heroic and leaderly qualities, you will be remembered fondly by everyone; except, of course, any of Lucina's siblings, who may have just become walking paradoxes. Who'd have thought you'd be the first to go? Maybe Tharja, thanks to your awkwardly assertive (b)romance with Robin. As it turns out, the biggest obstacle of all wasn't Validar, Grima, or even yourself... it was your popularity. You didn't even get into Smash. You know who did? Pac-man. The spherical yellow bastard hasn't seen a notable title since the 80's. Maybe an animate 7/8s of a cheese wheel is just generally more memorable than another Marth clone... Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 27 Lissa: 20 Frederick: 22 Sully: 14 Virion: 18 Stahl: 24
  4. Why all this support for Stahl? He's probably the most unremarkable character I've ever seen in a Fire Emblem game, and he's on a team with Kellam Hurt Sully, Heal Frederick Chrom: 8Male Robin: 20Female Robin: 24Lissa: 20Frederick: 21Sully: 16Virion: 18Stahl: 23
  5. Yeah, I can see what you mean. I might cut the HP of the next group in half to keep things moving faster, but for now I'd say the pace seems fine. Chrom: 12Male Robin: 20Female Robin: 22Lissa: 20Frederick: 20Sully: 18Virion: 18Stahl: 23 You guys really don't like Chrom huh
  6. I was thinking about that but I figured it'd be too much to keep track of. Maybe dropping the values from 20 to 10? Chrom: 18 Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 20 Lissa: 20 Frederick: 21 Sully: 20 Virion: 18 Stahl: 21
  7. Inspired by ICSW's Pokemon Leaders Hurt and Heal Although I know the classic community is strong with these forums, to mix in the casual / newer audience I think it'd be best to start with 13: Fire Emblem Awakening Furthermore because there are so many characters per game, I'll break them up into groups and then do a playoff at the end to determine the champion of Fire Emblem 13 Then we'll either move backwards to the FE 1/2/12 cast or forwards to Fates depending on popularity and the votes of the people The groups are as follows (using English names): Heroes 1: Chrom, Male Robin, Female Robin, Lissa, Frederick, Sully, Virion, Stahl Heroes 2: Vaike, Miriel, Sumia, Kellam, Donnel, Lon'qu, Ricken, Maribelle Heroes 3: Panne, Gaius, Cordelia, Gregor, Nowi, Libra, Tharja, Anna Heroes 4: Olivia, Cherche, Henry, Say'ri, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia Children 1: Lucina, Owain, Inigo, Brady, Kjelle, Severa, Jerome, Children 2: Male Morgan, Female Morgan, Yarne, Laurent, Cynthia, Noire, Nah Bonus characters / NP Allies: Gangrel, Walhart, Emmeryn, Yen'fay, Aversa, Priam, Phila, Naga (Notable) Enemies: Raimi, Validar, Mustafa, Vasto, Excellus, Victor, Vincent, Cervantes, Pheros Let me know if you feel there's a character missing, but unless there are any diehard Maiden or Hierarch fans out there I think I've got them all Every character death will be given a brief obituary and portrait by yours truly and others are encouraged to join in DEATHS (AWAKENING) Let the games begin! Chrom: 20 Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 20 Lissa: 20 Frederick: 20 Sully: 20 Virion: 20 Stahl: 20
  8. Currently working on the Go Outside achievement in The Stanley Parable, which requires you not to play The Stanley Parable for five years. I'll get it in December 2018 at this rate I suppose getting the Metal Sonic Master achievement in SADX is the 'rarest' I've gotten, as only 1.1% of the player base has obtained it. It requires finishing all action stages on A level with a character unlocked after 100%ing the game otherwise I'm getting into the Fire Emblem community and hoping to someday have a number of Lunatic completions under my belt. So far I've only cleared Birthright at that level because I'm a filthy casual but soon I'll have done the same for Revelations
  9. Don't forget Spectrobes Where you can harness the power of lime green porcupines and fly an entire pyramid complex
  10. This reminds me of that episode of the Jonas Brothers where Joe stays up all night writing a song and when they demo for the producer they realize it was a dog food commercial track he had heard in his sleep
  11. I agree with a good amount of details on that list but you have to admit some facets of it are unrealistic as far as the interest of the producer is concerned Consider Konami's production of YuGiOh packs and how they interact with your third rule. The primary factor behind most independent purchases of traditional YuGiOh card packs is the idea that inside you might find a rare card worth some pride or money. The best compensatory technique I've seen come out of players' dissatisfaction with overly rare cards is the limited release of booster or anime packs which either have a guaranteed rare/ultrarare, or a guaranteed powerful card in specific. Although this makes obtaining viable materials a little more practical of an investment for the individual player, it waters down the rarity and value of the cards from the perspective of the producer and ultimately they'll just have to create another, more powerful card or even a new class of cards as a substitute. I'm pretty sure this is what happened with Bakugan and why in a matter of 2 years the awesome little trinkets became these huge metal and plastic cube and pyramidal abominations. I suppose you could call it Rarity Creep, and it's probably already well-established enough. There is a solution in the form of an accepted digital environment for competition such as Showdown or the recently-forsaken DuelingNetwork. However, just as before, trading card distributors almost always stand to lose money with the introduction of such a competitive system. The reason Pokemon allows showdown to continue probably has something to do with the fact that they aren't necessarily losing money off of player use, because they only sell their games (which typically include every asset available save a few free event Pokemon). In the case of duelingnetwork however, there was a system perpetually undermining Konami's sales by allowing the free use of otherwise restricted cards. In terms of the last two points I'd say a relatively balanced metagame with a select roster of characters (OU and up in Pokemon, run-of-the-mill typhoons in YuGiOh, B-tier and above in Melee) is of course beneficial to the growth of a scene but you can't understate the value brought by low-tier or undervalued assets in their ability to upset the meta and generate hype (like a magikarp sweep). And finally, although a lot of people probably wouldn't agree with me, I have to say that games that run on waaaay past when they were supposed to end are some of my favorite to play because it almost develops a sort of localized meta. One of my favorite activities a few years ago was playing trouble in terrorist town and trying to make the game last as long as possible to see the steady dissolution of people's trust in one another. Stupidly long duels in YuGiOh and Pokemon are also fun to watch for similar reasons, as often the game becomes entirely mental in the way the players are forced to anticipate one another and transcend traditional strategy Thanks for giving me something to think about for a while, those are some pretty solid rules from an ideal standpoint but there are a number of odd factors (producers' economic interest/support; and low-tier hype) which might influence your opinion
  12. If the game is this broken anyway why not just legalize draw cards and bring back Exodia
  13. Pratt is a solid choice You might also want to look at RISD Their mascot is a scrotum
  14. I almost dislocated my shoulder from sneezing I completed a no pokecenter run of leafgreen and am now trying emerald again with advanced strats and I wrote part of a book hoping to see rogue one, someday
  15. Really loving the (vanilla) minecraft server, two questions: Who's admin, and will there be an update to 1.11?

  16. Speak less I want to get a 3 day silence streak
  17. Recently played through a nuzlocke of LeafGreen and can now confirm it is possible to complete the game using only Pokemart items to heal

  18. Note that it doesn't have to be an adjective
  19. Summarize yourself in a single word Optionally include an explanation The word I choose is: Understand
  20. I think the confusion is about who's intending the protagonist to be hated and why The studio wants the viewer to like Lelouch by revealing his more sympathetic side and his reasons for living. Lelouch as a character eventually has the motive to make the entire world hate him, but even in this you come to support him. A protagonist the studio wanted the viewer to hate would probably be Light Yagami from Death Note. But even then this was a specifically crafted hatred that mirrored the distaste you feel for an antagonist (part of the reason Light is an excellent actual antihero). Finally, there's what Maelstrom is talking about, which is disliking a protagonist based on their personality and attitude. In my opinion the best character I can correlate this with is Star the Kid, which combined with the art style led me to drop Soul Eater like five episodes in. Same thing with that fat weird-voiced nerd from Stein's Gate Generally not a good idea to purposely write your protagonists to be annoying if you want an audience past episode 5
  21. I've never had pets but this thing lives in my room I let him eat the other bugs. It's very handy
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