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Everything posted by HughJ

  1. Little known fact Darth Vader wasn't disfigured from the lava it was actually his own edge that reached a critical mass within him and caused a nuclear reaction that incinerated his body It was only by giving him a dorky mask and keeping him away from sand that Palpatine could contain it and save his life
  2. "At the end of the day, as long as there are two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead."

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      snipin's a good job mate

  3. i think my face is stuck in a permanent grimace

    1. Ironbound


      Keep it up, you'll soon be one of us

      One of us

      One of us

      One of us

      One of us...

  4. Your point on homegrown terrorist strikes is very true, but as I said earlier, you can't put a face on ISIS. There's no President of ISIS, at least not yet (or as far as I know). It's much easier and more reassuring for many Americans to vilify people they can actually see on the street or on the TV than abstract networks of terrorist cells. It doesn't help the case of the Muslims that many shari'a regimes in the Middle East employ many restrictions on liberty and demonstrate barbaric practices in stoning, beheading, and similar practices. The oppressive rulers and ruling classes there are not allowing for the modernization of their doctrines (Christians and Jews very rarely interpret their sacred texts literally today) because they use it as a method of suppressing the populace. In this way, the very nations meant to be representing Arab ethnic groups don't seem to differ very much from ISIS (and in fact many are funding it). Therefore ISIS, Al-Qaedah, and their sympathizers are interpreted to compose a much larger percentage of Arabs worldwide than they truthfully do. Imagine the riot damage and hate crime rate tripling
  5. My first shiny was a sentret It's white and gray so I named it Pallor After evolving into a Ferret it's still on my E15 team in one of my playthroughs I envision it as my avatar wearing it around her neck like one of those feathered pimp scarves
  6. I agree with this in part. The truth is that modern Americans are incredibly paranoid people. Outside of the South, and especially on the East Coast, there's this sense that everyone around you could be a serial killer or some enemy of the state. It's been like that since the Cold War and the fall of full-scale, direct war. Even if Americans and people in general didn't harbor a distrust of strangers from evolution (nature), it's certainly been beaten in to us by a gory media and a lack of any declared enemy. The truth is that the War on Terror is failing. It's failing in that we're only seeing rising homegrown and imported terror rates due to a growth of anti-Muslim and anti-American sentiment (a negative cycle of distrust between people groups that has been repeated time and time again in history); but it's also failing in that people can't really rally against terrorists. Terrorist networks are too decentralized and faceless... occasionally, certain figureheads pop up, like Bin Laden; but even if those people ever did hold any actual power, it will quickly pass to some other member of their organization upon their death. So "terrorism" just isn't an adequate Other to inspire camaraderie in people, especially Americans, as much as politicians all over the world want it to be. A lot of irritated and fearful voters wanted someone who was willing to simplify the enemy - consolidate the Other, even if it took demonizing groups within America. They wanted to be able to run in a marathon without the fear of blowing up at the finish line. They wanted to be able to board flights without passing through carcinogenic imaging software and getting groped from every angle. And the unfortunate truth is that for a lot of people - especially those removed from global lifestyles at the coasts - who have never even seen Muslims, it was very easy to associate them with the corrupt and dangerous nations of the Middle East (with whom the establishment has perpetuated war for the past 15 years) and write them off as collateral damage for a campaign that would unify the vast majority of Americans again.
  7. While I do agree with this statement, I can understand why many liberals currently (especially the irresponsible ones) would get a bad taste in their mouth reading it because they just lost an election where the majority of almost every minority group voted for the Democrats It seems like many of them feel that their voices don't matter but in reality their vote counted just as much as everyone else's and they can continue to further their own agenda through activism Whoo I'm being careful not to let the vinegar seep into my text
  8. there are only like 3 coffee lovers and all of the tea drinkers are too apathetic to post but sure, here's a -1 -15
  9. I genuinely don't think Trump expected to get this far either, but I do believe he planned for it, if not solely for a means of keeping morale up on the campaign trail. As a businessman he is a master of the code-switch and, in his words, "can be Presidential when [he] wants to be." I also think that his cabinet is going to be an assembled team of specialists he'll assign tasks to, as opposed to a consultative committee that a lot of Americans expect it to be. They're not going to back up the rhetoric of his campaign platform to a T, certainly, but they're going to be faithful to the general ideas he pushed - infrastructure renovation, firmer border control, and a more America-centric diplomatic standpoint You have to ask yourself what he wants out of the Presidency, being the individual he is. He doesn't want political power like Hillary does, he doesn't want to drastically alter the world in his vision, he just wants glory. If his statements on his personal wealth are to be believed (and I have to admit at times they're pretty shaky), he probably looks at his current amount of cash as "enough." I know I would if I had even 1 billion dollars in my bank accounts. So his methods of achieving glory are going to be the promotion of immediate changes in the short term (think FDR) due to the stacked Capitol, and after that, probably more general promises and speeches in the way of Fidel Castro And as a side note Viri while I don't think quite all of the geopolitical disputes of former British colonies are entirely the British's fault, the Pakistan/India/Bangladesh situation DEFINITELY is.
  10. I think relations between India and the U.S. under Trump could go in several directions Worst case scenario he tries to impose some crazy law where American-educated Indians are required to stay here (in a strange Trump policy twist) and contribute for the education "we gave them" which is a weird but unfortunately popular way of regarding the situation I seriously doubt that would ever get enacted but the man has until this point spewed whatever inclinations come to his mind so Best case scenario Trump will back up India in disputes over the Line of Actual Control, which have occurred as recently as 2014 when China placed a bunch of PLA soldiers at the border in the name of 'combating terrorism' (which is just the ultimate diplomatic excuse these days) Increasing antagonism over the South China Sea and the US' stake in Micronesia have made firmer Indian-American relations a priority if not a necessity
  11. Viri wouldn't solo steel type he would just ignore the species clause and solo magnezone The only type worth a mono run though is obviously Dark type
  12. That's a very good point I think that seeming circumstance of irreconcilable positions on important governmental decisions is a result of intensifying anti-party rhetoric from "both sides" Not that there even are "sides" I think the duopoly in modern American politics is very strange, and I've lived here my whole life. Looking from the outside in I wouldn't even know where to begin
  13. Let's just leave it at -11.5 and not post for a day cronos
  14. People ask too much of fruit Seedless, pulpless, skinless... Eventually you'll all just be eating air
  15. I just finished / got up to date on Food Wars The show is pretty legendary and some of the sequences are legitimately some of the best in anime Namely the scene where Souma prepares fish for his RA and when Takumi Aldini prepares duck for a judge (especially the latter)
  16. Radomus is the hidden hero that will save Reborn through subliminal messages in the mainstream media and direct psychic manipulation of nearby pedestrians
  17. If you just go by competitive tiers I think Blaziken and Froakie are at the top Then from there you can make a tier of all the starters with megas (although this might not be fully implemented in Reborn for some time) And then there's everyone else, like Torterra I think
  18. a mouse was rattling a cup in the corner of the kitchen so I rattled my cup and I think I just had a conversation with a mouse

  19. This thread is a mess lol I also would like to point out that Viri writes the same way when he's serious and when he's not, the proper nouns just change to magnezone or coffee -13 Let's get this over with
  20. Don't make Harambe into a grandfather paradox
  21. this computer needs a priest

    1. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      That man needs Jesus

    2. Jmanultrax1


      im sorry, me and my weird ass collar say your on your own

  22. I'm curious As in "talk less listen more"? About a certain topic? Just engage in discussion less?
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