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15 Fledgling

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  1. I dunno I just can't stand herat all, if the story is still 90% about her that I simply shouldn't bother. Which is a shame because I remember liking quite a few things about the game(especially the art direction of the enviroments)
  2. So i played this game a few years ago(maybe around episode 8 or 9, can't remember exactly) and while I liked lots of things about, something ruined it completly for me: Melia, her character, her mary-sue-ness and more importantly how she constantly steals the player credit, it just makes the entire gameplay loop completly unsatisfying. So was this reduced over the years, or should I just looks for another fangame to pass time with? Thanks in advance.
  3. honestly making a rock type leader hard enough to be worthy of being the ultimate gym leader isn't easy. But I also kinda thought Amaria's gonna be easy and she kinda was to my team but lots of people struggled with her from what i read(for the record Titania beat me enough time for 2 gym leader)
  4. Thx a lot, Phoenix Rising is already on my radar but am waiting for it to get a few more chapters before I play it. Didn't know about Full Moon though will check it out
  5. Hi can you guys give me a new pokemon fangame to play? here's my experiance and opinion about the ones I played: Reborn: Loved it, favorite Pokemon game of all time. Desolation: also loved it, second favorite fangame after reborn. Super Eevee pokemon edition: Really liked it as I enjoy old JRPGs. am down with something similarly unique. Rejuvenation: Actually disliked it, But Melia is the main reason why.(the Devs clearly worked really hard on the game and I love lots of parts of it, the story and melia just drag the whole thing down to me) Zeta: thought it was ok. Am fine with a game not finished but I'd rather it have more 20 hours of playtime or so. Thx in advance
  6. Scizor pretty much solos Rosatta entire team.
  7. Dragonite: 11 Tyranitar: 26 Salamence: 12 Metagross: 21 Garchomp: 17 Hydreigon: 18 Goodra: 6 Kommo-o: 6
  8. Can i hurt them all? no? then i'll pass. Steela is the only one i kinda like but it's gonna die so eh....
  9. Tyranitar is pokemon done right, Cool design, great movepool and stats that give almsot unparalleled versitality that kept it relevant since it's creation even though it's typing kinda sucks. Kommo-o in the other hand is teh only pseudo legendary i can think of that sucks IN IT'S OWN GEN!!! WHAT THE HELL? Dragonite: 14 Tyranitar: 25 Salamence: 14 Metagross: 18 Garchomp: 19 Hydreigon: 18 Goodra: 10 Kommo-o: 8
  10. Kanto: 17 Johto: 18 Sevii Islands: 16 Hoenn: 20 Fiore: 21 Sinnoh: 18 Almia: 22 Oblivia: 20 Unova: 20 Kalos: 16 Alola: 21 Orre: 21 although i like it's mons, sinnoh games sucked IMO
  11. @Thundermaze we live in a secondary timeline, bulba actually won in the canon one!!!
  12. if you told me piplup would win this last week, i would've laughed in your face. I don't mind it much though, it's a cool line if a bit disspointing gameplay wise.
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