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10 Fledgling

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  1. Thank yall for everything, you guys got me back into Pokemon, and kinda reinvigorated my social life lol. Most recently I actually decided to get into streaming pokemon games, and am glad I'll be able to share this game that has taken hundreds of hours of my life from me LMAO with others. No lifeing the game honestly got me through some really rough patches and ill forever be grateful <3
  2. DSW

    an apology

    *reports post for misleading content*
  3. Just started the forest restoration sidequest at the help center. I talked to Adrienn and then took the train but the police are still in the way? Not sure what to do
  4. You should be able to get back if you use the hm for fly
  5. DSW

    Training spot?

    Thank you so much! It is so much easier then trying to run around in those little patches of grass lol
  6. I'm currently right before the fight at the top of the pyramid and my team/ rotation mons are a bit under leveled. Anyone have any recommendations on where I should train? Usually I would just use the grass but it's taking me forever with the levels varying so much. Thanks in Advance!
  7. I had my number of backups only set to one so both of my files were stuck which sucked lol. Luckily someone on another thread was able to move me out of the room with I believe rpgmaker, which also fixes the issue. Thank you though!
  8. It seems to be working perfectly! Thank you so much you don't understand how much I appreciate your help!!
  9. I'll go through them again but I don't think I do. If not would the only other alternative be moving myself out of the soft lock with rpg maker or something similar?
  10. I don't have any save files outside of that room. My only saves are in that room. Any Idea what I can do?
  11. I'm softlocked in the pyramid. Put the map download thing in but I am stuck in the middle of the room. If anyone could fix it I'd appreciate it. Honestly been so frustrated with it. was originally uptop where it asks you to wait and it wouldnt let me switch to the other characters then I hit the blue arrow pad and now I'm completely stuck [EDIT]: The screenshots are spoilers if you aren't up to the pyramid yet thought I would warn everybody https://gyazo.com/149c09a58d2a8156a328f50d51b012f0 https://gyazo.com/8eac7ded4a32e057af94b271244c72ee If someone can fix this god bless your soul. At this point i'm almost willing to paypal money to someone thats how desperate I am. Game.rxdata
  12. I'm having the exact same issue let me know if you find a fix
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