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  1. I tried to get as many forms registered in the pokedex as I could and misdreavus was the only one with aevian form. You can obtain it without problem in the nightclub. --> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NmNBklcSI_OqWKMAaJ_WyqjBJ5J7lo3IuwTftIaJlIw/edit#gid=1921351918
  2. Ok so after removing the tier 7 anomalies I'm stuck as to what to do next.
  3. You the real MVP! Thank you! For some reason I was under impression that Serra just bounces the light back where it came from, not act as a mirror like that, boy do I feel dumb. It's that easy. Also hint for the timing - just press the purple crystal right after light bounces off of the bottom mirror (that bounces the light from top to left).
  4. If it's any help, I posted the solutions for the first two puzzles in this thread, however I have given up on figuring out the third and am now waiting for someone smarter to post the solution. :D
  5. Yeah me too. So far it has basically everything besides this necrozma puzzles. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have made it past victory road without it, but now I'm just literally checking the guide daily if it has the necrozma solution lol.
  6. I'm not using the randomizer and am running 4 mods from the pack - ItemRadar, LearnEggMoves, SharedPC and TypeBattleIcons. Also am running the passwords "litemode" and "easyhms"; I don't think I am running any other passwords. I have 3 other savefiles from ep 18 but I haven't started ep 19 on any of them yet. Seeing as no one else has reported a problem like this, it's probably just my computer somehow messing this up. If someone else encounters this problem, maybe they can add some more info. But hey if the "fix" is just don't use the box, I'm not bothered by it. :)
  7. Hello! I continued ep19 from my ep 18 save and throughout the play I noticed that at times a pokemon in the shared box will transform into another pokemon that I have. For example, I had one gardevoir in the party and a different (shiny) one in the shared box among other pokemon (I had about 25 pokemon in the shared box. Some time through the play when I wanted to withdraw alolan ninetales, it wasn't in the shared box. In the box however was gardevoir with the moveset of my gardevoir in the party but the level of the alolan ninetales. The same way I lost a Flygon, Magnezone and Arcanine (from officer jacob), as they transformed into Heracross, Togekiss etc. I have been using only one savefile so I just removed everything from shared box to like box 45 to avoid problems, but I think this needs to be noticed. If this was already asked and answered, I apologize. But as far as I saw, there were only questions about shared box deleting entire box, not replacing pokemon with copies of others.
  8. You have to leave that quest for now and go do other quests. At some later point (when you're at lvl cap 145) you will see the lemonade kid jumping up and down - then you'll be able to complete it.
  9. I think I am on Reshiram path, though I'm not 100%. So far I got all legendaries sidequests except for Necrozma - I've been stuck on its puzzle in Citae prisma for like 4 days now (no solutions have been posted yet and I'm not smart enough to solve it lol). I didn't know the eevee sidequest was even a sidequest, so I wasn't careful as too which eeveelutions I pet or even saw and am now trying to double check. I also don't remember where this sidequest was even started. So as far as Umbreon goes, my answer is again - I'm not sure. Vanhanen castle is light for me except for the gym room, but there's no one inside the castle.
  10. You're right, they were there, I remember. However for me they are not there anymore, which is strange because flareon is still there on Route 1. I am also continuing from ep 18 on, though I don't know if that's a factor or not. In that case I am missing locations for espeon, vaporeon and glaceon...
  11. I don't know which of them I did pet and which not, so specific city or route where they are would be much appreciated. Flareon is indeed on route 1 (not in the woods). I think I pet the Sylveon befor Victory road indeed but he's not there anymore. I think I already pet Jolteon but have no idea where. And if Umbreon was indeed inside Vanhanen castle it's not there anymore. So maybe they are missable?
  12. I also didn't know this was a sidequest. Where did you find Jolteon and Leafeon? I didn't find Umbreon in Vanhanen castle nor Sylveon before Victory road...
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