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About Espario

  • Birthday 12/08/1998

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    Baltimore MD

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  1. The voice i read this in was perfect from the start I had no idea where it was going but I'm glad it got there
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you're having a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Every time I check back the status thread has gone up one percent. Either i'm never here anymore or my dreams are coming true lol
  5. (Slight Spoiler warning cuz why not) Ya know, I'm really glad i came back to Pokemon Reborn earlier this month. I tried it out about 3 years ago and gave up after Pulse Tangrowth because Florina's gym was impossible with my over-leveled Prinplup not listening. I thought the story was really going somewhere but only once had i ever experienced a pokemon not listening (pokemon ruby, level 75 Grovyle with everstone in 7th gym) and it just wasn't something i worried about. I came back...

    1. Espario


      did not realize there was a cut off point lol. anyway i learned my mistake with over leveling and played through it, ignoring the signs that i needed a fighting type until a while after Gargantuan Steelix. I loved it, i still love it, and can't wait for E16

  6. One thing that puts a big smile on my face is checking back after a week or so and seeing the status go up a percent lol.
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