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Regina Dracones

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  1. Yeah, I tried that after pressing F12 didn't work but that doesn't do anything. I just go straight back to the menu screen where I can see the continue for my normal save prior to the quicksave. That's alright though, I don't need to quicksave that badly, was just wondering where I was going wrong with this.
  2. Decided to restart this since Episode 3 is out and its looking really good so far. One thing I can't figure out is though, the quicksave- you press F8 to save, but then how do you reload the save afterwards?
  3. Hi everyone! I'm facing Shelly right now and pretty stuck between Yanmega and Anorith. When I take down one, the other tears up the rest of my party. My team at the moment: Murkrow Lv. 35 Prankster Adamant - Brave Bird - Assurance - Wing Attack - Night Shade Roselia Lv. 35 Poison Point Hardy - Giga Drain - Toxic Spikes - Nature Power - Stun Spore Emolga Lv. 35 Motor Drive Hardy - Acrobatics - Nuzzle - Electro Ball - Double Team Blaziken Lv. 35 Speed Boost Bashful - Blaze Kick - Double Kick - Bulk Up - Rock Smash Bronzong Lv. 35 Levitate Brave - Gyro Ball - Psywave - Charge Beam - Confuse Ray Clawitzer Lv. 35 Mega Launcher Serious - Water Pulse - Aqua Jet - Aura Sphere - Swords DanceOther Pokemon I have in the PC Espurr Pachirisu Growlithe Mareep Swirlix Electrike Happiny Charjabug Ponyta Drifloon Zorua Spritzee Lillipup and what could be a Stantler or Nincada egg Any ideas or tips would be great! EDIT: Nevermind! Beat Shelley with a bit of reordering.
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