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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Keala

  1. Goodra Walrein Aerodactyl Escavalier Beedrill Reuniclus
  2. Keala

    LF 5IV Pokemon

    I might have Mareep, Litwick, Heracross, Aron, Murkrow and Aerodactyl, I'll be available in around 10 hours from now, let me know in case you already find someone else to help you out.
  3. Cool, thank you.
  4. I will wait for a request, my ID is Keala. Let me know if A-Vulpix is fine for you.
  5. Alright, let me know whenever you're ready @StarryDreamerKitten.
  6. That's a lot of water pokèmons right there. I wouldn't mind a tentacool though, here's my list of breedjects (they are all at least 4 perfect IVs, some might have even 5 with egg moves that I don't even remember):
  7. To be fair, this isn't about when it's going to be ready though. This is about "is this thing still being worked on?". I would play the new episode independently on when it comes out, be it tomorrow or in 2019. It's just that if he really stopped working on the game, it would be cool to know, nothing more (I think this is what Dave meant at least).
  8. I have a decent Larvesta (31/x/29/31/31/31), if that's good enough for you, then I'll take the shiny female shellos.
  9. Alright, I'll send a request in a minute.
  10. I can help you out with those 3, let me know if you're available to trade.
  11. I can help you with that, let me know if you're available to trade now.
  12. Keala


    Awesome! Thank you.
  13. Keala


    Alright, is Aerodactyl okay for you then? it has all 31 except sp.att.
  14. Keala

    LF: Gastly

    Alright, I'll send you a request in 1 minute.
  15. Keala


    I would like to have that pichu, is there anything in particular you're looking for?
  16. Keala

    LF: Gastly

    I can help you out with that, let me know if you're available to trade now.
  17. Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Enjoy your Gastly!
  18. Alright, I'll be waiting for a request soon then (btw, what I'm about to give you is also shiny).
  19. @LilyX Let me know whenever you're ready to trade here.
  20. It's alright, don't worry about it. I'm waiting for a request, my ID is Keala.
  21. I don't have any clue myself, but I recall Marcello saying something on discord about the public version meant to be released prior to that date (I'm assuming you also thought that "A community-wide Spoiler Lock is in effect for Reborn's Episode 17 until 1/1/18." meant the public version was supposed to be release around that time). Considering the amount of bugs there's a chance it'll be released even later than that date, but that's just what I have been told.
  22. How does that Ditto have Confuse Ray?
  23. I can help you out with a Gastly if you're still looking for one.
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