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  1. I got my hands on the proper keys and heart scales, I currently have Blaziken with the same moveset; Noivern with Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Roost & Air Slash; Magneton with (Sturdy) Discharge, Flash Cannon, TWave & Electro Ball, as well as Kirlia and Azurill.
  2. I already did the mystery egg quest and got Azurill, and I obtained Ralts, I'll train those. I don't really care for bug types, so unless Escavalier is amazing, I'd rather get something else, I do think I should get a steel type, if they're any good in Reborn. I have Klink, Onix, Mawile and Magneton in PC already. Should I get a second water type or get something else, are water types that useful?
  3. Blaziken: This thing is spectacular, the only thing I want for this are the TMs Protect and Earthquake. (Probably in the higher levels of the Dept. Store) Kricketune: This thing's weakening, most attacks do 20% max to a pokemon at most, it was great early game. I would like this replaced Noivern: I haven't used it much as the moveset isn't good, I currently have it holding Exp Share. Suggestions for TMs or natural moves would be appreciated. Gothitelle: The moveset absolutely sucks, but it's Modest and has 29 SpA IVs (if I'm reading the stat page right) so it would be nice to keep around. Woobat: I'd like this replaced with a pokemon of a type not on my team, It's not all that useful and typically only gets a pokemon's HP halfway down before fainting. Pangoro: Pangoro been a great finisher on the team, it was the second best pokemon (after Blaziken) in my last gym battle. I just (barely) beat Noel for the Standard Badge after losing 3 times. I've trained a few of them since. Any move/pokemon suggestions at all would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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