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Ainz Ooal Gown

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Ainz Ooal Gown last won the day on October 31 2017

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41 Developing


About Ainz Ooal Gown

  • Birthday 02/16/2000

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    Overlord of Death
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    The Great Tomb of Nazarick
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    Ainz Ooal Gown#6005

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  1. When i'm battling against Ace in Byxbysion Wasteland, this keeps showing up: Looks like every time Ace tries to switch pokemon, that happened. If his first pokemon dies, the error happens, and the 2nd pokemon won't sent out.
  2. Tried it earlier. Looks good so far. Oh right, found a bug regarding an event mon encounter (Wiglett). Usually an encounter pokemon can only be caught once, then the event+the overworld pokemon sprite disappears. But here, even after i caught it, you can do it again. Unless this is intended, i can only assume this is a bug.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  5. Long time no see people. Decided to swing by for once in a while.


    Btw, just read FGO/Overlord crossover fanfic. It was awesome, and kinda funny that it gives almost the same vibes as the main story of Overlord ( so many sasuga Ainz-sama moments ). Idk how fair the power level comparison between FGO and Overlord made fans of both franchise feel. Personally, it makes sense to me, since Ainz and his mates kills gods, monsters, and powerful beings because of quests, just for fun, etc.

    But understandable if FGO fans felt so salty after reading the fanfic halfway or until the latest chapter, and decided just to drop it.

  6. Just enjoyed this. And gotta say, i almost did it. I'm gonna becoming Tobias 2.0. Not bad at all Thanks @andracass, at least this could help get me out of boredom hell.
  7. @LykosHand Sorry for the super late reply, but thanks for the kind birthday words.


    Btw, super bored today, rarely peeking into forum nowadays. Just peeked, and i saw a randomizer for the vanilla game. And i thought, eh, might as well as play a new game.




    And also say hello to my decent "Charizard". I guess this will be fun








    1. LykosHand


      No problem and you're welcome 😄

  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  9. Actually, i also got that error, but only when Froakie line uses it.
  10. Mine's also Serra, but in Reborn Redux. Instead of Mirror Arena, it's Glitch Field. And it's Master battle. That combined with all of her mons (imo) are straight up maxed out hax gave me one of the biggest suffering in my playthrough. Took me like 50x loses ( i relied on RNG, sadly ) before i finally defeated her.
  11. This is for competitive games, like Pokemon Showdown, or if it's for main pokemon games.
  12. He could get Trapinch earlier via Trade in Chrysolia Forest ( i think if he does have Mothim(?) ).
  13. Hmmm... imo your team can be prone to dark, steel, and ice. Some of steel mons ( i think can tank most of physics and grass attacks, and fairy don't do anything to steel ) are pretty tanky or fast, so you might want a fight for counter all of those or fire mon for just ice and steel ( preferably fast and hard hitting mons ). That's all i could think of. Hopefully it'll help.
  14. Reborn's in endgame phase now ( aka just postgame stuffs is WIP ), so it'll be a torture for Reborn devs if they add Gen 8 right when they're about to reach the finish line.
  15. You could grind at Route 2. I don't think there's anyone at the Circus that sells Rare Candy.
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