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Lorac last won the day on September 26 2020

Lorac had the most liked content!


68 Samaritan

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  1. Lorac

    Balancing conundrums

    The changes are welcome and I think passwords are an excellent idea, as they can give us players more options beyond a subjective difficult setting. Well done, and I'm sorry that people are being shitty to you guys
  2. Xatu: Give it Psychic Surge + something to compensate its low hp. Maybe a defense boost or something that enhances it's speed, so it can either attack before it gets KO'd or tank more hits. I'm not good at competitive battling so if anyone can improve that I'll gladly accept the suggestions, lol
  3. This may be my first fanart that doesn't double as a shitpost. Without further ado...
  4. This all started with a friend tagging me in a post joking about "Rejuvenation if Venam had a gun", then I started thinking about how unstoppable she would be, and this happened: Starring Veronica Venam Connor:
  5. Oh no that's what I feared. I thought I had, but it seems that it's not the case. I wonder what exactly I missed.
  6. I can only hope that my humble offering is able to protect me from His wrath.
  7. Shitposts are all I have to offer (for now), lol E4 spoilers(?) ahead. Edit: another one:
  8. I know right? Reading all those angry reactions is giving me some serious secondhand embarrassment. Waiting a little more than you expected for the game isn't going to kill anyone.
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