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Everything posted by Futility4ever

  1. WHAT WITCHCRAFT IS THIS Also, about the upcoming Gym battle, the field is an Ocean Field. The Ocean Field boosts the offensive capabilities of Water types to giddy heights and Valarie makes full use of it with her signature move, Tidal Wave. But this field offers the player a unique advantage as well. Owing to the increased conduction velocity of electric charges in a polar solvent like liquid hydrogen dioxide (What is a physics, indeed), Special Electric type moves are also powered up. Also, the Water type offensive will all but falter in the face of a Heliolisk with Dry Skin. Not only does it benefit from the Dry Skin recovery effect of the field as well as the rain, but the Ocean Field also renders ALL Ground type moves ineffective. Heliolisk also makes for a good special sweeper with various coverage options such as Surf & Grass Knot.
  2. I've always said that the only thing good about the xenophobes in Goldenleaf is their choice of Pokemon type (Ghost being my second favourite) Now, down to business. Some more things to know about the Haunted Field: Dark and Fairy type moves are nerfed. This shouldn't be too much of a problem if you've got a bulky or speedy offensive Ghost type (probably why Jan didn't add in the Gengar line). The field can be switched back from the Blessed Field easily by Narcissa's signature move, Ghostly Wail. This, coupled with Xatu's weakness to Ghost, is why I wouldn't recommend a field manipulation strategy here. Moves like Flame Charge, Flame Burst, Fire Spin and Inferno deal additional Ghost type damage. It may be to your advantage to pack these moves. Also, for your own sanity, before you get to the point where you have to fight Angie, make sure you have multiple, viable Pokemon that can defeat Ice types. My last time, my only answers to Ice types were an Escavalier(which outspeeds almost nothing, btw) and a Magmar with a Jolly nature. Finally, I decided to hightail it to Carotos mountain, obtain the Cyndaquil egg, train it up and use Typhlosion's Eruption to even out the odds slightly.
  3. Now this, I must see.Since I recently began to live in a cave got separated from internet access on a PC, I probably will not be able to update Reborn to E17 for another 2 months. Even so, I could probably give some team based advice, regarding what I've heard about the new fields that have been introduced. So, do let me know when the first part comes out. I have a feeling it will not be long before Jan's BullshitTM becomes the greatest thing since cooked food. Stay strong.
  4. If battlefield weather is a problem, then an alternative to packing weather-altering moves is to catch one of the Swablu in Sheridan Village and make sure its ability is Cloud Nine. Cloud Nine negates ALL effects of the weather, but does not prevent the weather itself. In other words, if you have a Cloud Niner in your party and send it out right at the beginning against Amaria, the sun that aided and abetted her in her battle against you will now only be able to witness her defeat firsthand at the hands (or limbs) of Pokemon such as Graveler, Numel and Croconaw (all Pokemon that I had on my last run). Not to mention that it can help you out against Valarie, if you have trouble with her (you probably won't) and Amber, if you have trouble with her (you most certainly will). Also, Altaria can learn Perish Song at Level 46. Just saying.
  5. If you're looking for additions to the Pokemon Suicide Squad, then why not try Weezing? Koffing can be found in the Abandoned Sewers. It learns SelfDestruct at Level 23, Sludge Bomb at Level 34 and evolves at Level 35. Weezing learns Explosion at Level 40, Destiny Bond at Level 46 and Memento at Level 57. If you have an Electrode with Static and Discharge to land paralysis and a Weezing with Destiny Bond, you can cheese most of the late game solo legendaries or dimensional rift battles with the exception of Cera's Groudon, where a Perish Song Altaria works just as well. EDIT: Also, Koffing and Weezing are in the Amorphous Egg Group, which conveniently is one of the Egg Groups of Phantump and Trevenant. You can use a male Weezing to breed for the Phantump egg to ultimately get the Mystery Egg. Just saying.
  6. "A little close to home" may be a bit of an understatement. If Bennett had seen what you wrote about him in the Reborn guide, he would have tried to get Ame to remove him from the game. I think this way because I would like to believe that Bennett still has some dignity left in him. Also, for the next two gyms, you should try to get a Natu. Natu can learn Flash by TM and Ominous Wind at Level 20. It also evolves way within the level cap at Level 25. See where I'm going with this? If not, read the spoiler. EDIT: In the Haunted Field, my Xatu's Ominous Wind did not hit Marianette's Slaking for 2x damage. It just hit Slaking for normal damage. I'm not sure if this is just for Ominous Wind or for all Ghost moves in this field, but prepare accordingly. Also, the presence of Slaking on her team, in my opinion, gives Marianette the status of a DemonTM Gym Leader. Be warned, the details in the spoiler are not for the faint of heart.
  7. Fairy types are a hard counter to Shadow types. I recommend that you catch at least one. Dedenne can be found in Route 2, and since they pack Nuzzle, they can win you a lot of battles. Dedenne with Nuzzle, Parabolic Charge and a health restoring Berry is an utter beast. Other than that, great work on the guide. It's great to finally have a guide written by a person who's going through this trouble themself, unlike some other fangames I've played. Like a slice of life, y'know?
  8. Welcome, fellow newbie. Hope your stay at the Reborn forums is enjoyable(I just joined a month ago, and its been great!). You've got serious guts to be even attempting a Nuzlocke of Reborn, and I hope it works out for you. As far as the RNG is concerned, be prepared. There are numerous crits coming, and most of those will be your enemies'. Anyway, may the Lord Arceus/Helix/Magikarp watch over your endeavours.
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