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Jess last won the day on January 26 2018

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577 Noble

About Jess

  • Birthday 05/16/1991

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  1. I would say this on your thread, but I can't really contribute anything there that hasn't been said already, and I have less experience in this sort of thing.


    If the bonds were so easily broken, I don't think they were that strong, to begin with. But don't let this bring you down (yes, this is coming from me. the guy who ranted about valentines day in a depressing manner just a few days ago). There are people out there who really care for you. your BFF's for example. and I know that there are more.


    "Companionship is decently common. True Friendship a rarity."

    1. Sayia


      It is not that we are losing our friends with time.. It's just with age that we realize who deserves to be called.

    2. Wolfox


      and if nothing else I have this:

      help me get out alive a few times

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