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Hello everyone! So, after (almost) completing the game using only Bug types, I decided to just make use of some shinies I caught in my run, and which happen to be my favourites in the game! So, it is the time to do a favourite mons of mine run! Thing is, uh... I don't exactly like the strongest mons available... Here is what I have. THE SWEEPERS/ATTACKERS: Viva Aldia, the Sawsbuck (Shiny Female) Vixen, the Zebstrika (Shiny Female) Borealice, the Aurorus (Shiny Female) Rainbow, the Rapidash (Shiny Female) Tchaikovsky, the Swanna (Shiny Male) Master Po, the Pangoro (Shiny Male) Neslac, the Beartic (Shiny Male) Aquaphobia, the Sudowoodo (Shiny Female) THE SUPPORTS: Treasure, the Garbodor (Shiny Male) Dawn, the Lopunny (Shiny Female) Meowth, the Meowstic (Shiny Male) Bohr, the Rhydon (Shiny Male) The team has some good physical attackers (Sawsbuck, Zebstrika, Rapidash, Beartic, Pangoro), a mixed attacker (Swanna), a special attacker (Aurorus) and some slow heavy hitters that can work as supports too (Sudowoodo, Rhydon). The supports can setup Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rocks, Screens, Trick Room and even setup and use Baton Pass with Lopunny. There is also Prankster Meowstic, which really can work wonders as a bulky support! There is the option of running Trick Room in combination with Curse Sudowoodo, Hammer Arm Pangoro, Rhydon, Aurorus and Beartic, Sunny Day combined with Chlorophyll Sawsbuck, Overheat Zebstrika and Rapidash, with Rhydon as Support, Hail team with Aurora Veil Aurorus, Slush Rush Beartic, Swanna, Sudowoodo and Rhydon to cover for Rock types. The main weakness is the team's fragility, combined with the few stat-boosting moves that the sweepers have. The lack of special attackers is also an issue to tackle, but I really want to build the team around my favourites, Sawsbuck, Zebstrika and Aurorus. If you have any suggestions on sets/moves/gimmicks and stuff I could exploit, let me know! Give my team a rate too, and to each of the mons individually as well! Ty in advance, kind peepos! P.S: I will debug Power Gem and Aurora Veil onto Aurorus, because it is time for this mistake to be rectified, while Zebstrika will be able to use Flare Blitz, cause why use Flame Charge while being unable of Flare Bitz?! Please don't judge me.
Do we have any updates for this? I scrolled through the mod market, but didn't find the mod anywhere so I assume it is still in development?
Huh, I had no idea Scizor could do all these things! Yes, the team would be quite better with a swords dance/bullet punch/light screen/weather controlling Scizor, but there is a tiny problem... I am not a huge fan of it... I consider bulky araquanid as a replacement for heracross. In fact I have a specially bulky one, with Wide Guard, Reflect, Liquidation and Aqua Ring/Leech Life. I occasionally run Toxic on it too and it has come in handy plenty of times with Mirror Coat. I love this one!
Hello all! So, I am a firm believer of rotation in order to advance, but, for all Victory Road, Elite 4 and Postgame, I stuck with only 6 team members, in order to not make the game too easy, and I really bonded with them, so I wanted to show them off! Let me know what you think of my team! 1) Tesla, the Galvantula (Shiny Male) Type: Bug/Electric Nature: Timid Ability: Compound Eyes EV spread: 252 SpA, 252 Sp, 6 HP Item: Focus Sash/Focus Band/Electric Gem Moveset: Bug Buzz Thunder/Discharge Hidden Power Ice/Electroweb/Protect Sticky Web 2) Introvert, the Crustle (Male) Type: Bug/Rock Nature: Jolly Ability: Sturdy EV spread: 252 Atk, 252 Sp, 6 HP Item: Custap Berry/Wide Lens/Weakness Policy Moveset: X-Scissor Rock Slide/Stone Edge/Rock Blast Earthquake/Nature Power/Counter/Protect Stealth Rock/Shell Smash 3) Seppuku, the Accelgor (Female) Type: Bug Nature: Timid Ability: Unburden EV spread: 252 HP, 252 Sp, 6 SpA Item: Water Gem/Magical Seed/Elemental Seed/Telluric Seed/Synthetic Seed/Focus Sash Moveset: Me First/Bug Buzz/Spikes/Toxic Spikes Final Gambit Water Shuriken Protect 4) Hephaestus, the Volcarona (Male) Type: Bug/Fire Nature: Timid Ability: Flame Body EV spread: 252 SpA, 252 Sp, 6 SpD Item: Wide Lens/Focus Sash/Light Clay Moveset: Bug Buzz Heat Wave Hurricane/Psychic/Giga Drain/Hidden Power Ice/Light Screen Quiver Dance 5) Galadriel, the Heracross (Shiny Female) Type: Bug/Fighting Nature: Jolly Ability: Moxie EV spread: 252 Atk, 252 Sp, 6 HP Item: Wide Lens/Focus Sash/Choice Scarf/Choice Band/Heat Rock/Damp Rock Moveset: Megahorn/Pin Missile Brick Break/Close Combat Rock Blast/Rock Slide/Stone Edge/Earthquake Bullet Seed/Aerial Ace/Counter/Sunny Day/Rain Dance 6) Maya, the Beedrill (Shiny Female) --> Type: Bug/Poison Nature: Jolly Ability: Swarm/Adaptability (as Mega Beedrill) EV spread: 252 Atk, 252 Sp, 6 HP Item: Beedrillite Moveset: Fell Stinger Poison Jab Drill Run/Protect Knock Off The details of the team: 1) Tesla, the Galvantula: I needed some Speed control, so I opted for Galvantula, a fast Sticky Web user that also can use Electroweb for some more immediate effect on flying/levitating mons too. For those annoying Flying/Ground, HP Ice will do some damage too. The STABs are Bug Buzz and Thunder with the Compound Eyes accuracy boost, or Discharge in case of some Double battles, even though I rarely opted for it, since I got zero other mons that resist Electric type moves... Tesla was usually the lead to set up Sticky Web and/or take out some annoying Flying type (e.g. Togekiss). Rating: 7/10. Sticky Web was extremely useful, since many battles would be impossible without it. I considered Tailwind, but there are few Bugs that can use Tailwind, and most are slow (Ahem, Butterfree). Galvantula with Focus Band went clutch quite a few times, but in general it was more of a speed-controlling support than a reliable offensive threat. And that's fine, I love you Tesla (despite your underwhelming damage output)! 2) Introvert, the Crustle: When in need of some crazy sweeper that teams without priority won't be able to check, look no further. Crustle was an absolute beast. Shell Smash-Sturdy combo guarantees one double boost in Attack and Speed, giving every opponent trouble. Reliable STAB combination with X-Scissor and Rock Slide guarantee good coverage in singles, but it is in doubles where this guy thrives, capable of taking out Charlotte in 3 turns. I found that Custap Berries can help it set Stealth Rock and also give it an attacking round too, which is highly useful in times that you need Stealth Rock more (e.g. to break opposing Sturdies/Focus Sashes, Gale Wings/Multitype or when the opponent's priority-heavy team will prevent a Crustle sweep). Sturdy-Counter can also check a lot of things (yes, including Pyrous' mountain Garchomp). Rating: 10/10. You need help in a double battle? Crustle is there. You need Stealth Rocks? He will do! You need to kill a physical sweeper you can't touch? He will Counter it to death. I can't count how many times he saved my life! Hats off for Introvert! 3) Seppuku, the Accelgor: Here's something I never expected to use! But Seppuku was a damn ace for my team! Unburden in combination with Seeds in the Reborn Fields almost guarantee that it will outspeed everything. And max HP EVs guarantee that either it will OHKO or leave the opponent in low orange/red health, making them a perfect victim for a Mega-Beedrill's Fell Stinger (we will cover this later!). The unburden boost can also be achieved by a Water Gem-boosted Water Shuriken, which gives the team some priority in case it is absolutely necessary to finish off someone. In the next turn, Accelgor can take out another one with Final Gambit. Protect can stall out opposing Trick Room or Screens/Aurora Veil, while the other moveslot is saved for Bug Buzz or... ME FIRST! Me First greatly takes advantage of field-boosted special moves that the opponents many times use in Reborn (e.g. Dragon Pulse in Dragon Den or Boomburst in Holy Field). Just be careful, as opposing priority moves can greatly hurt you and render Final Gambit borderline useless (AVOID DRAGONITE AT ALL COSTS). Rating: 10/10. Ever since I started using it (after Serra's Gym) it proved to be invaluable, even though it was originally meant only to take care of stuff like Dittoceus and PULSE Swalot/Avalugg. But it kept its weight and carried others. Who ever said suicide can lead you nowhere? Oh, did I mention it can also set up Spikes/Toxic Spikes? How much better can you get, Seppuku?! 4) Hephaestus, the Volcarona: I men, you can't go wrong with this one... It's a freaking fire moth! And you need a special sweeper in every team! Hephaestus was the special counterpart for Introvert, the Crustle. He was great for Doubles due to Heat Wave, and Quiver Dance is arguably the best special setting up move in the game (shut up Geomancy, you don't exist). Nothing unexpected here, a must for every Bug mono team, and not only that! Rating: 9/10. Yes, 9, not 10. Why? Because it is very fragile. Reborn fields can OHKO it quite a lot, even without super effective moves, and the team I have can't get rid of Stealth Rock. So, you gotta use it wisely, find the tiniest time window to squeeze a Quiver Dance in, weaken the opponent with all entry hazards you can and then send it to sweep. But be careful of Rock type coverage. Everyone knows Rock Slide nowadays. Oh, however, Flame Body burns are useful. Very handy. Especially vs Metagross and stuff Like Hawlucha. 5) Galadriel, the Heracross: Probably the one that falls off the most late game. It is not fast enough to strike first and it is not bulky enough to take the first hit and manage to retaliate hard afterwards. If you give it a Focus Sash, you can dish out one hit, but you won't hit hard enough and you'll probably get outsped next turn. If you give it Choice Scarf it can be menacing, but only if you manage to finish off a low health opponent to get a Moxie boost. Even that way, you will be locked into a not-very-effective move next turn, and this team lacks bulky pivots, so Heracross must be the sacrificial lamb quite often. However, if you get opposing speed limited and weaken them enough, Choice Band Heracross hits like a damn truck! If it gets a Moxie boost too, even not-very-effective moves will put a dent on the opposing team! Just use it to weaken stuff you can't weaken otherwise, and wallbreak. Picking whether a cheap Moxie boost on Heracross or a fell Stinger boost on Mega Beedrill is preferable is of paramount importance when you see a low-health opponent waiting to be finished-off. Rating: 6/10. Great early/mid game coverage in Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Aerial Ace, Bulldoze. Close Combat and Megahorn are insanely strong to brute force many teams. However, without seriously limiting the opponent's speed, it will get you nowhere. Despite that, it resists Sucker Punch, rendering Dark type strong opposition priority useless. It has access to counter, which can give it Moxie boost even without being able to hit super effectively physical opponents, so it can cause many surprises. Finally, it can set up Sunny Day/Rain Dance, being bulky enough to take one hit most of the times (unless opponent spits fire, flies or plays tricks with your mind). Finally, Heracross was necessary for me, in order to break Light Screen/Reflect and Aurora Veil, rendering Alola-Ninetales leads useless. It was used more for utility, than as a sweeper, because the next one was present... 6) Maya, the (Mega) Beedrill: Holy mother of Jesus, how much of a beast can this thing be? It looks dope and it is insanely strong! I also took the liberty to modify its original build and replace X-Scissor with Fell Stinger. Before you come hit me, hear me out. Adaptability powers up Fell Stinger, so, in combination with its insane Attack stat, it will still OHKO almost everything that gets hit super effectively by it, even from full (or from near-full) health. There is more to it, since it will get +3 Attack boost by it! This turns Mega Beedrill from a simple powerful revenge-killer into a sweeping machine, since the opponent isn't allowed to get in low HP. Mega Beedrtill can just sweep Anna's team in 4 turns, provided it gets one Fell Stinger boost. Also, Mega Beedrill provides access to Knock Off (bye bye Life Orbs and stuff), Drill Run (now we can hit poison types, rock types and STEEL TYPES with something other than Volcarona). As for Poison Jab, it takes care of Fairy types, which the rest of the team can't do for its life. Rating: 11/10. Seriously. Just try it. Late game sweeps are fun. It takes some effort to set them up, but when it works out, it's super-rewarding. Maya, you were a young worker bee in the TV-show, but in my mind you'll always be a queen! CONCLUSION: I HOPE YOU FOUND MY GUIDE USEFUL! Shouting too much cause of being excited. I also hope it helps you in terms of Bug types, they are underrated, strong and versatile! Take care and have fun people!
Hello everyone. I just returned to Neo-Reborn and made a mistake of talking to Ame before triggering the Mega Ring quest. I Debugged the E16 value back to 0, so now it is as if I never talked to Ame, but Arc won't show up... Please help me! I attached the save file. game.rxdata
Those three words... Are said too much... They're not enough...
Is there a pokemon that you have a constant name for
Jess replied to Samtale's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
@smeargletail My Sawsbucks are always named Vivaldi, due to my favourite piece of classical music, "the 4 seasons". Or, if female, Viva Aldia. Which, in free translation from latin oriented languages, can be translated as "hurray every day". Which is a good mentality to have me thinks! -
I vote Bug no surprises there because it is fun, needs thinking and not just brute forcing through battles and Bugs are abundant so you won't have to trade any mons in. Regardless of your choice, have fun!
What monotype would be the best for Intense mode?
Jess replied to Crickzilla's topic in Rejuvenation
I'm trying a Bug mono currently, it's been OK so far. Venam is extremely easy and You have so many mons to get before Keta that I doubt I'll have any problems. In general, they say Bug is a tough monotype, but if you like thinking a bit and not trying to brute-force battles, it's quite easy and interesting. You can do a lot of things! -
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
Happy New Year everyone.
I am sorry to those I've treated bad or hurt, and I wish the best to all of you, regardless of whether I know you or not!
Be good people uwu
I Hate Fairyland - A Monofairy Run Attempt [Last Defeated: Corey]
Jess replied to Des Teto's topic in Team Showcase
It even gets priority by Prankster. You will love Whimsicott. Good job so far! Keep going, fellow monorunner! -
This is the area for Dewpidder now (North Aventurine woods net place, right?)... Joltik has been moved before Julia, replacing the wingull/panpour event... It's in a house in Peridot at thunderstorm nights (I think), at 50-50 chances with Grubbin.
Hmmmm Sawsbuck and Vivillon.
Xanthous' Art [Art: Drawing][Requests (very closed)]
Jess replied to Xanthous's topic in Creative Works
I WANT TO LEAVE MORE THAN 1 REP POINTS UNDER THIS ONE BUT I CAN'T! Thank you berry much, it's truly an amazing piece of art!!! If I was living in the Pokemon world, I can't think of a pic depicting me better than this! I'll spread the word for you, kind artist, among all my friends! -
RIP Hone Claws Durant... Too soon...
Xanthous' Art [Art: Drawing][Requests (very closed)]
Jess replied to Xanthous's topic in Creative Works
@Xanthous Oh wow, your work is great! If only I was half as talented... Now, my request would be a bit more specific... May I have a pic of a female bugcatcher riding a Sawsbuck with a Vivillon flying around? If no humans still, then add a Deerling! Or anything in that context! I'd be eternally grateful! -
Normal Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Shelly)
Jess replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
That Castform is amazing. It carried hard many battles. Very underrated Pokemon, it's great for in-game runs.- 18 replies
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Normal Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Shelly)
Jess replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
I am sorry, I just noticed this reply! Sadly, I forgot about Whismur and it was gone when I remembered about it... Gomenasai, Azery, I just saw this reply! Yup, I thought I could as well post the progress here and try to boost Sawsbuck's popularity! I hope you'll enjoy the vids! I considered using Delcatty, I really did, but... Those stats... Are atrocious. And Persian is a much better user of Fake Out than Delcatty, so I decided to go with Persian as a feline team member... Also, I felt the despair of trying to level up a Slakoth enough to get Play Rough. It was bad. Truant Slakoth is highly annoying to train regardless of how good Slaking is and how many times she saved the day! I hope you'll enjoy the run, fellow Normal type lover!- 18 replies
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Normal Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Shelly)
Jess replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
CHAPTER 3: PULSEs, revelations and Buzzes... So, after defeating Florinia it was time to access the plant infested Jasper and Beryl Wards. First, in Jasper, we met and defeated Taka, a young Team Meteor admin who was weirdly helpful. The battle versus Taka was easy. His Exeggcute defeated O'Malley, my Meowth because he missed Screech (of course he did), but Meteo the Castform took care of business by setting up Sunny Day and defeating Exeggcute, Chatot and PULSE Tangrowth. The Rainbow-boosted Weather Ball under sun of Castform nearly OHKO'ed PULSE Tangrowth, which was a surprise. How can a Castform hit THAT DAMN HARD?! After clearing Malchous Forest and Jasper Ward from the evil flora, we access Beryl Ward and Rhodocrine Jungle. Fern leaves us in Nuzleaf cage cuz he is an ass, and of course I didn't give in to his demand, so Taka's Chatot frees me. And then, we release all police officers as well, before advancing to face ZEL and Taka in a double battle! The double battle was a bit harder than the single battles vs ZEL and Taka of the past. But still a first try win. Alpenliebe, the Lopunny his extremely hard early game. He took easily care of Glaceon, Espeon, Chatot and dealt decent damage to Umbreon before going down. O'Malley the Meowth (what a surprise) kept missing Screech, and went down without doing anything at all. Well, used Fake Out. He can't miss that! Aviator, the Tranquill was also useful, getting straight Air Cutter criticals and OHKO'ing Exeggcute and dealing decent damage to Umbreon and PULSE Tangrowth, which went down to the combined efforts of Vivaldi, my Deerling and Meteo, my Castform who used again the broken AF rainbow-charged Weather Ball under sun. After the battle Police uncovers the mysterious Meteor agent, who is Corey, Poison type Gym leader and Heather's father (pink-haired mischievous girl we met at Malchous forest)! VS TAKA & ZEL/TAKA 6. Pokemon Reborn Normal Monotype: Cleaning up the PULSE Tangrowths So, now we had to go confront Corey at his Gym... And... It wasn't easy at first... As you all can see... Ahem... Oh, by the way, while battling weird hallucinating policemen O'Malley evolved into Persian! Hope this improves Screech's accuracy! VS COREY The team I ultimately used to face Corey was: 7. Pokemon Reborn Normal Monotype: Trying to face Corey! Obviously, the approach wasn't going to work, even though I got really close, but Vivaldi couldn't 1v1 Crobat (no surprises here). Plus, I was a bit annoyed. I decided I had to get rid of the Corrosive Mist. Messiah, the Pidgeotto was the lucky (?) one who would sacrifice herself to perform this task, by using Gust. Then, Alpenliebe the Lopunny came in, holding his Telluric Seed. Telluric Seed in Corrosive Field gives +1 in Attack and applies Baneful Bunker to the seed holder, which is neat. Also, I took the time to slay a gazillion Noibats and Bellsprouts/Pidoves/Tranquills to EV train Alpenliebe in Attack and Speed. So, eh... this happened! 8. Pokemon Reborn Normal Monotype: Sweeping Corey! After Corey gets defeated though, Heather announces she abandons the family roof, Corey's depression removes his sanity altogether and he commits suicide by jumping off Beryl Bridge onto Lapis Ward, and the Grand Staircase explodes (ty Team Meteor), while Fern gives shameless "natural selection" speeches... Ugh. So, I go to Lapis Ward, meet Shelly (again, after saving that Kricketot from depression) and Victoria staring at Corey's body, till Shade, an entity who is the Ghost type Gym Leaders gathers Corey's remnants and departs. Meteor Grunts spill the beans, Victoria follows them and gets captured under the Grand Staircase, I rescue her from her captors (Aster and Eclipse) and have a nice chat with Solaris, the leader of Team Meteor, who tells stuff about Arceus' sealed meteor below Reborn City. Perfect. After that aimless trouble, we return to Shelly's Gym. At least we gathered intel, while getting captured. OH, I FORGOT! I also joined Magma Gang. Outsiders all the way, Magma>Aqua. VS ASTER/ECLIPSE 9. Pokemon Reborn Normal Monotype: Gangs and blown up staircases! After all this action, Shelly is still shaken by witnessing a suicide live, the more so because the victim was her BFF's (Heather's) father. So, Victoria suggests we seek psychiatric help for Shelly. And we access Dr. Connal's Orphanage (after defeating Team Aqua on behalf of Team Magma and raiding Mrs. Craudburry's house. OOF I hate that wretched old lady)! Anna says we glow (I like her already ), her bro Noel is indifferent and Charlotte is a firey fierce arsonist, with terrible soul scars. After defeating Orderly John (the true antagonist of the game xD), Anna assures me that Dr. Connal isn't the person that would help Shelly and advises me to leave, which I readily do, creeped out by the atmosphere. Anna gives us a nice piece of advice to pass to Shelly though, which snaps Shelly back to reality straight away! So, it is my third badge time. NOPE! It is Victoria's time first... VS SHELLY (COCOON BADGE) (BONUS: VS VICTORIA) By the way, I caught a Dunsparce and named him "Your Grace", for obvious reasons! I have plans! Anyways, Victoria was relatively easy. Your Grace, the Dunsparce and Aviator, the Tranquill took care of her Pancham, while O'Malley, the Persian finished off her Kirlia and Pikachu, clutching the fight. Meteo, the Castform destroyed her Torracat with a Rain-boosted Weather Ball. So, it was time to face Shelly... That is, of course, after solving the bookcase puzzle. UGH! I start to sound more and more like Heather. Probably this will make Shelly like me more !!! The team I used vs Shelly was the following (we had some lovely evolutions, so, brace yourselves! ) : 10. Pokemon Reborn Normal Monotype: Gym Battle vs Shelly [3rd (Cocoon) Badge] The plan to defeat Shelly was not to let her set up Rain, because this would make her Anorith extremely fast, and quite scary for most of my Pokemon (especially my Unfezant). So, I started with Your Grace, the Dunsparce and O'Malley, the Persian. O'Malley used Fake Out on Illumise, the Prankster Rain Dancer, and Your Grace used Body Slame, Paralysing Illumise (thank you Serene Grace). In the next turn, Illumise couldn't move due to Paralysis and she was taken out. Good riddance! After this, the battle had ups and downs, Anorith scored a double KO vs my Persian and Dunsparce, while Masquerain (thanks to Struggle Bug Sp.Attack debuffs) tanked a Power Gem by Persian. After than, Aviator the Unfezant and Meteo the Castform were sent in. Meteo set up Sunny Day, while Aviator did great damage to both Anorith and Masquerain with Air Cutter. Also, Aviator dodged Anorith's Rock Slide, but sadly Meteo in its Fire form got destroyed by Rock Slide (mainly) and Struggle Bug... So, I sent in Alpenliebe, my Lopunny. Alpenliebe's Jump Kick finishes off Anorith, and Aviator's critical Air Cutter leaves Masquerain in red (after Shelly used Hyper Potion on it). Yanmega though comes in... Shelly swaps Masquerai for Araquanid, and Alpenliebe's Electric Gem-boosted Thunder Punch gets Yanmega to 1/3 of its HP. But damn, Yanmega aka Heather gets a critical Ancient Power on my Aviator, KO'ing my Unfezant... But battle isn't done yet! I send in Vivaldi, my newly evolved Sawsbuck! Yanmega gets a Speed Boost, but weather is Sunny, and Vivaldi has Chlorophyll! Vivaldi outspeeds Yanmega and KO'es it with Take Down! And Alpenliebe's Thunder Punch deals 2/3s of Araquanid's HP. Araquanid sets up Rain (too late for rain, my deer, pun intended) and then, Shelly sends in Masquerain and Intimidates my physical attackers (grrrrrr, she is seriously good). She then swaps Araquanid for Volbeat. However, even with their Attack crippled, Vivaldi and Alpenliebe holds their own and overpower/outsustain the already weakened Volbeat, Masquerain and Araquanid. The badge is mine! Cocoon Badge and the TM for Struggle Bug. No Normal/Bug types exist though. So, this TM will be highly useless in this run... Next thing to do is to go to Grand Hall and let Ame know that Poison Leader is deceased, to inform the replacement leader... But this chapter is already very long! We'll continue next time. Till then, enjoy everyone!- 18 replies
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Can we please show some love for Delphox?
Jess replied to Monochrome_Complex's topic in Pokémon Fan Club
I will agree with Wolfox. Showing appreciation to a 'mon doesn't come from showing our dislike to others.