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  1. There are so many different social and political arguments that could be had over this topic, each of which has many different angles of approach. And I'm not nearly smart enough to figure out how to address any of it - all I can offer is my own perspective. Everyone is born with advantages and disadvantages, things that are capable of shaping someone's life for better or for worse. However, no matter how much research and study one puts in, they can only ever truly understand life from their own perspective. Research and study can mean a better understanding of how the world works in general, but it only goes so far with the individual. Our lives are our own. The best we can do is use and adapt to our circumstances, so that we can become the best people we can be. Am I privileged? Sure, I'm sure I am in some way. Does that mean I should feel bad for it, or not take advantage of it because someone else doesn't have what I have? Of course not, that'd just be wasteful. Just be the best person you can be, and always know where you stand on issues of morality. (In retrospect, this isn't really a reply to anyone, so it may be a tad off-topic. Whoops.)
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