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15 Fledgling


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  1. Do you still need a 6IV ditto?

  2. Vendor Name : @Starry Knight Requested Pokemon : 6IV Ditto for breeding Gender : Form : Ability : Nature : Adamant/Modest/Timid/Jolly will do. tbh any 6Iv will do (i'm literally just picking up this game afresh after i stopped playing 4-5 years ago) IV Spread : 31/31/31/31/31/31 EV Spread : Pokerus : Shininess (Normal or Shiny) : Egg Moves : Other Moves (Tutor moves ect) : Item : Offered Pokemon : Shiny Trubbish (don't have much to offer sorry :( ) Gender : Ability : Nature : IV Spread : EV Spread : Pokerus : Shininess : Egg Moves : Item : Online ID & Time with timezone : Artemis12 - anytime 09.00 to 02.00 GMT
  3. pretty sure that wont work fire type moves will become dragon type if titania uses the fairy tale field which is highly likely, meaning that fire will not be super effectiive on steel like i said before, fighting and ground are extremely offensive and has amazing coverage and a fast lucario with aura sphere could probably wreck titania
  4. in my opinion, i think fighting/ ground/ steel are must-have types esp in reborn they have so much coverage and have extremely offensive moves (yes, earthquake, i'm looking at you) Like @Taska said, you'll need to switch out your fairies to bring in some heavy hitting fighters like blaziken/ infernape/ lucario etc. I also notice, your team is very sp.attack based so you might wanna add in some attack specialists (Gallade maybe? psy/fighting is a useful combo) otherwise, individually all our mons are excellent now it's just about the synergy and making sure the team works
  5. like i said versatility is the most important part of any team in reborn metagross is an excellent mon to use i'd recommend any of the dragons like salamence/ garchomp i'd suggest evolving eevee into sylveon, quite a decent fairy type evolve your chimchar into infernape (beast of a pokemon), although i could argue blaziken with speed boost is better mudkip should be evolved into swampert , with the right moves he can wreck teams but i personally wouldnt suggest training up any of the others because there are better options than most of them also i think some great new additions could be mons like magnezone goodra weavile gyarados (overpowered beast) gengar (overpowered as hell too)
  6. i completely agree with this, I'm from the UK and Manchester is one of my favourite places here It's really sickening how ISIS can target places like concerts where families and people get together to enjoy music but the city and country has been strong and i love how the people of Manchester are united in such a bad time, offering whatever way to help people in trouble whether it be by offering police cups of tea or allowing people to come charge their phones to call loved ones the state of our world saddens me
  7. to be honest, i think they all have their strengths and weaknesses in reborn, there's no solid perfect team that can sweep any boss so what i have done is IV bred/ EV bred (yes i'm one of those) a wide variety (almost 40) of pokemons of different types and fighting styles to suit for any situation but then again, i had quite a lot of time on my hands a few months ago just maybe tweak small things like changing noivern's ability to infiltrator or giving luxray for move coverage (i doubt you need 3 electric moves) same with charizard and it really helps to play to the pokemon's strength like nidoking is a physical attacker, so surf wouldn't be the best move for him to use, it'd be more suited on blastoise charizard is not bad physically but his power lies in his special attack so stuff like that
  8. I think a fighting type is missing from your team, they're personally one of my fav types because of their brute power and offensive stats plus 2 of the remaining leaders: titania and hardy are weak to fighting so it's a good idea to invest in one i use blaziken and lucario (att and sp.attk figting types) but there are a pretty good range of them
  9. as you can probably tell from my name and DP, One Piece is by far my favourite and some classics like FMA: Brotherhood and Code Geass
  10. honestly, i think the criticial thing is luck based (correct me i'm wrong devs, is crit rate higher in reborn??) because i have rarely been in the situation you described (regular crits from the opponent) if i had to rant about luck based stuff, i've faced my share. As a breeder, one time i literally hatched 50+ eggs to get a female snivy (normal ratio is 7:1) but that's luck so sometimes, we just have to grind through it. plus for battles it's easy to soft reset as for the game moving stronger pokemons towards the end, that's the whole concept of reborn. to make you use mons you'd generally never use. that's the challenge of this game. why do you think most of the pseudo legendary dragons like garchomp and salamence and dragonite are unavailble they make the game an easy sweep. everyone know's how OP earthquake swampert is, and magezone in my opinion is freaking powerful, capable of literally taking on teams on its own cuz of its typing. for that matter, we still have not received the mega ring, but opponents use mega evos against us. we'll just have to suck it up and beat their asses with our slightly above average pokemons same case with the field effects, some help your pokemons, some put you at disadvantage. it's up to you to see if you can take advantage of the field. as for you magneton, i can help you evolve it. (trade it to me, i'll trade it back) i opened the Yureyu Key room in E15 so i still have access to it.
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