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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TwinAero

  1. Help.


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    2. TwinAero


      I am kind of just screaming into the void since currently I am nearing the end of the problem now.

      I want to just chalk it up to impulsive posting in an attempt for escapism, but maybe the truth I can't bring myself to admit is that bad happenings are getting worse and I am literally helpless to do anything about it, and that scares me. I feel like if I actually admit that my mind is going to crack just like my body already has.

    3. Busti


      I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Even if you are so frustrated, you must keep a clear mind on your situation. This means staying healthy, hydrated, a roof over your head, and maintain a support system with people you trust and love.


      You mentioned a degree? There are often student services on campus, people you can talk to for any reason whatsoever.

      And typing your frustrations is helpful. writing is helpful. Talking even more so! You can do this.

    4. TwinAero


      Technically already dropped out, student services was pretty dismissive during consultation, they really did not offer any solution that did not involve throwing more money at the problem until it goes away. Can't say I blame them for that, makes sense services wouldn't service you if you can't fork out the cash for it ( ・_・)



      I just want someone to be honest with me, where do people go when they sink this low with no realistic hope for recovery, Is this it? Can I say I already done what I can and finally rest without feeling like I'm taking the easy way out? Just unbiased neutral overview on the situation, not repeatedly telling me all life is precious because mine sure isn't, at least not more than dirt on the road people step on day to day without a thought but get upset when its becomes defective. Some honest feedback, tell me I've done enough, tell me I can finally rest now.



      But then I take a step back to think and that doesn't sound right either, something like this should be purely my decision, why am I waiting for something akin to getting permission for it? Fucking hell there really is no winning no matter the decision. What am I suppose to do?



  2. If economy tanked and work turns scarce how low (position and/or conscience) would you be willing to stoop to make a living?
  3. Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game. - Civ4 developer. The casual player probably won't even realize or be able to resist breaking the learning/difficulty curve of the game by accident when they first discover a debugger, being able to experience the catharsis of adapting pass the puzzle-like difficulty is the main sell I use when recommending Reborn. Keeping it low profile is a good idea as long as its existence isn't completely censored to save some potentially hair pulling frustration like resetting seven hours for a blue moon ice cream that refuses to drop.
  4. I feel like Nexus is going to bite his tongue if he tries to continue that Titania voice by WTC.
  5. I can't wait for Mo's reaction when he learns of Pulse2.
  6. I just wish the crew would use Mods or whatever to juice up their EVs instead of Nappy complaining about perfect IVs all the time. These past few episodes without Nexus eardrum shattering screams have been the most enjoyable.
  7. "Nappy: Why is Alolan Ninetails so HD?" So I'm not going crazy thinking a certain mon received pixelated favouritism.
  8. The ironic thing here is Nappy complaining to have a team built to face an ice type leader, while carrying a Noivern and a Grass type, plus a Heliolisk to hit half of Bennett's team for SE. P.S. Ninja-ed.
  9. Marcello The devs have truly outdone themselves, making a mon that can exist in multiple games at once.
  10. It is going to be hilarious if Nappy ever double-take upon seeing Lin say that line.
  11. I had my worries that favouritism bias might influence the ratings here. But I am glad to see the best cuddlemon got the credit it deserves.
  12. Forcing strats outside of terrain cheese, Cain gets a +1
  13. Wasn't it changed some EP ago that sendouts uses species name instead of nicknames?
  14. Since no one is saying anything.... is this what is suppose to be seen? Am I that far out of sync with modern art.
  15. I think the issue is that its too blurry a line to draw to give warnings for specific "triggers", if character deaths warrant a warning, what about events that have death by hazard(Pulsemons), illness(Kiki,Luminia), or homicide(Solaris,Titania,etc), each of those could be something that might set someone off, and it gets really subjective if Ame&co has to start weighing on which events warrant a warning. e.g. I doubt anyone here even bat an eyelid at cultists but the sanctum event with Luna is the least comfortable part of the game for me. I feel if necessary, the warning screen can be changed to require a confirmation, that the player knows that they are going in for something heavier than just cartoon villains, with a "please refer to readme.txt for specifics".
  16. Do eye twitches happen when you hear "Ay-mee" or is it just a regular occurrence at this point.
  17. I returned. Sort of.


    1. Anime


      yay @TwinAero always glad to have you around ❤️

  18. I enjoyed this episode very much, the crew learned to respect the gyms and appreciate the moon pool available to them, almost made me feel better from balding watching Nexus do the puzzle. ....Such a shame they have to face Shelly just as they found their feet, the Rain/buzz/intimidation combo really is not manageable trying to 1cc it. As a chess player I feel like Radomus' puzzle need better clarification, I really didn't understand what I had to do after reading the explanation multiple times.
  19. To be fair I missed the growlithe officer in my first run as well, it just wasn't clear that we had to do it before the tangrowth.
  20. As funny as it is watching Nappy blow several vein at Nexus running back to the Opal PokeCen, during my first run I also did that way too many times, due to not being able to remember what the map is shaped like.
  21. A little worrying that they didn't check the vendor next to Joy selling super potions and commenting it was unavailable, seems like they are going to rely on comments for all the sidequesting tid bits.
  22. I originally stayed on the ride just to enjoy the sight of them getting bodied by Florinia, but now that you mention it it would be great advertising if they actually play far enough to show the different branches of story from the choices they make. Watching Nappy playing uncharacteristically sloppy feels...... budew. Kind of defeats the point of wanting to see him play reborn in the first place, hopefully he can switch gears once the illness passes.
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