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  1. Eevee's looks so great I don't even care if it was longer... But is far from broken. How do Z-moves work? If you have to run the Z-move instead of a regular move then Eevee is still in trouble because it's speed don't do him any favours so you need to tank the first move without help of protect or focus sash to get the boost... If you survive that then you're game since you can either hit superhard with last resort which hits at 280 with adaptability, and with up to 458 atk after boosting, use stored power to hit at base 220 or baton pass those stats to either Mega Gardevoir Mega Lucario or Mega Blaziken and just watch the fireworks. On Doubles is when the evoboost would be deadly as you can buy free turns with rage powder, follow me, block mat or wide guard and then boost comfortably to either hit brutally along with Oranguru or batton pass to other sweeper. I correct myself, it is broken.
  2. Litten also seemed quite weird in the trailer, here I'm hoping it's still an early key animation but not so hopeful... I really disliked Ash's redesign. Talk about going crayon shin chan on his face. Well, XYZ did well on local ratings during the Serena arcs then dropped like a bomb when she joined the loser team. Yes, appealing to a younger audience would rise up the numbers, but you could do so by rising up the stakes instead of ignoring the international audience as BW did... Generations is targeted to game fans, but is a short collection meant for the internet, so not much of a win there. I didn't like the style, I mean, Ash has remained more or less consistent during the run of the 18 series and then we go to this derpy face that reminds me of Crayon Shin Chan is well, disappointing... I would forget most of it if SM was a direct continuation but it seems like it will be another mindwiping for poor Ash I'm gonna give it a 5 episode chance, and we'll see, but since the beginning I don't expect much.
  3. Offense all the way. I don't lose time with entry hazards set or removal, the strategy is finding six mons fast as hell, with lots of attack, preferably that can survive one neutral heavy hit with ease. Then pray you get the first blood, then it's all lucky predictions from there on. I always go: ultra fast lead, mid-fast all-out attacker, two setup sweepers, one support guy to tank hits or scout via dragon tail and the obligated Sylveon to blast an hyper beam in case everything else fails.
  4. I think you need to throw some nice epic story that makes you stay immersed (if you can play it six hours without getting bored we're off to a good start.) and also duration, although doing a quick rerun of short games is good, having at least 10 hours of play is preferrable... Throw in some nice, funny and sympathetic characters with good dialogues, good lipsynch during cinematics and smooth moves and that's it. Check the last 15 years of Bioware. That's all you need to see for replay worthy games
  5. Mega Loppuny can sweep once Xerneas and Groudon are gone. Giratina may phaze but you risk bringing up something worse. Garchomp could pave the way for him. Or at least that would be my response after seeing this in preview... Another Xerneas could do the job too after geomancy and Arceus and Giratina seem good chances to setup for Xerneas... My advice, lose Gengar and bring Lucario (no one seems to love him anymore) who can break rock and normal Arceus and Chansey to pieces and deal with fairies comfortably. If you get a free turn, a nasty plot from Lucario turns things ridonculous.
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