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About Winnow

  • Birthday March 24

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    The Far South
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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. For the Crystals you collect from Bee in Agate city, the Galladite is given after showing 100 caught pokemon, not 400.
  3. What really intrigues me is what kind of terrain Hardy will be using. That is some I really cannot wait to see cause I know Ame and her development team will throw us through a loop when Ep18 comes out.
  4. He needs a pokemon to go mega with. I expect either mega Aerodactyl or mega Tyranitar to fill that job. Also, he would be so dope if he has Lycanroc (midnight form) and Alolan Golem on his team.
  5. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  6. Thanks found out everything.
  7. I gave Jigglypuff to the trainer with the louder and says that she will only give it back to me until I find her earplugs. where can I find those?
  8. Sorry about the triple post. I didn't realize it was not formal to do and was completely unaware of the code of conduct that this web has laid out.
  9. Thank you for the warning. I wasn't aware of my mistake on that part and will make sure not let it happen again in the future.

  10. As of now, episode 17 is out and after finishing battling Amaria, I carried on the search for Corin sidequest. I went back to the fairy gym and found him inside the top left corner of where the gym leader stands ( inside the X shape flower patch), he says he's also a fake and proceeds to challenge you. After that, he tells you that Corin was one of the three fakers that you previously battle and must go find him at one of the three previous areas. He is standing at Sunset circle ( the small park next to the train track that leads to the desert. Talk to him twice and then he takes the train into the desert. I haven't gotten further than this but damn that Pokemon gotta be good. ( even if it is a Magikarp) Afterwards, go talk to the policeman and he will give you safety goggles which will allow you to go further up the desert. Lol. Jk they dont.
  11. Found it. Thank you. Now to see what I can find in the cave. Also in the other cave in the desert, I was able to find an aggronite and stone edge.
  12. HELP! New update not reading previously saved data.

  13. I can't wait to battle her. I hope my rotom can sweep the battle fast.
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