B+ for Ditto
+ Interesting ability of Imposter. It can makes the game fun enough by reading opponent's moves for you and help you experience DEMON or MEGA pokemons, or leaders' custom moves.
+ Any Ditto with an Imposter is great. You needn't select moves and train EVs for it. It really help saving time, but be sure to keep a high level.
+ A very great solution of Amber. Use a Flash-Fire Helping Hand Growlith (obtainable in Gearen Helping Center) and an Imposter Ditto(on the right position) can Easily beat him with his Typhlosion.
+ Will be useful when you need breeding.
+ Only in Rejuvenation, a Ditto always moves faster than its target if it transformed.
- Relatively late (gain access to Tarajuma Shore).
- Embarrasing when meet some opponents.
Swoobat from B+ to A
+ Double-Team increases 2 levels of Evasion makes it very easy to setup.
+ Although defenses are low, it is not difficult to endure special moves by Calm Mind.
+ You can get Stored Power Natu early, so it is easy to get a Stored Power Swoobat although it's an Egg Move.
+ Stored Power is very easy to sweep Gyms after Calm Mind, Double-Team and Call (2 levels of accuracy).
- Only ONE X-Defense can be picked up. So use it carefully!