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  1. thanks! I'll probably have to pass on this game then... the bullied into romance thing doesn't sit well TT_TT
  2. Hello, I just started the game and the forced romance with Chan kind of turns me off. Does anyone who has played through more know if it will continue or no?
  3. In the little alcove in the middle of Terajuma jungle where you get brick break you can surf up the south east ledge and get stuck.
  4. whats a solid tank to have out? Anything that I can catch near me that learns wide guard or something similar?
  5. Hello! First, let me preface this by saying that I have, in fact read quite a bit on how to beat her. The problem is I saw many people use things like trick room and rain dance. My team is: Visul (Espeon) Psychic Morning Sun Swift Curse Cedric (Blaziken) Flare Blitz Bulk Up Brave Bird Hi Jump Kick Rhosymedre (Roserade) Petal Dance Growth Aromatherapy Synthesis Cheryl (Ampharos) Power Gem Thunder Wave Discharge Dragon Pulse I also have a Sharpedo with Crunch and Aqua Jet, but Aqua Jet is quite weak and it gets 1 shot by everything after that. So does the rest of my team. I wold love to be able to go back to Reborn City to find some pokemon (Rotom, something with earthquake) but I don't think I'm able to. Trick Room Bronzong is pretty much out, as Blaziken and Espeon outspeed her pokemon. And Rain Dance is pretty much out, as Sharpedo gets exploded by everything. Are there any other options for strategies people could help me with? I know my team isn't great, but I just picked my favorites and was previously able to get by due to Roserade and Blaziken being OP. So I've pretty much hit a wall since all my pokemon nearly get 1hko'd and I'm a terrible trainer...
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