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  1. Help Request quests are easy to miss or ignored in general (as some of them are bothersome like gathering zygarde cells in random places), but there are some that add locations and contribute to the story, like the Missing Children quest in GDC, which adds to Bladestar context and has interesting characters. My recommendation is making Missing Children (and alike), part of the main story so they wont be so easy to miss.
  2. None of the mods in the pack actually worked for me though
  3. Im having the opposite issue, the triggers dont recognize ive picked up the eggs, so i can pick up infinite copies of both, and the prof. still tells me to pick up one.
  4. So basically, going back to cut the tree is completely bad for you in every way.
  5. Ty, so basically the difference is between having to replant the tree or not. It thought it would be more like "world destroyed vs world not destroyed" lol
  6. Before i save, i tried to cut down the Cherry tree, which told me "a new timeline has been created, your actions have affected the future". In general lines, whats the difference between cutting it and leaving it ?
  7. Where do i get the pokemon you get by donating at the end of this patch's story? I choose repair railroad. p.s: is it one of the dialogs you get from traveling between cities ?
  8. Thanks, i got in the trains and a "cinematic" started. I don't remember any name or character xD.
  9. Thanks for the reply I think i tried to upload the .gif version but the size thingy. By the way, where was the train ?
  10. I just downloaded the last episode having 10 medals. I havent played in like a year and am kinda of lost (dont remember many things), so where am i supposed to go now ?
  11. Just downloaded EP17, tourmaline desert is closed, where should i go ?
  12. Lol, yeah i know of that policy, thats why i didn't ask "when it's coming" but if development was still going on. Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time a thing like that happens. Happy that this isn't one of those cases.
  13. I've seen the development forum has been pretty dead not so active lately, is the game development still going on ? Besides, how are you all doing? feeling good ?
  14. Like a sexy motherf#$%, thanks for asking
  15. ah, well, i never got into those new medias (tumblr, twitter, and that one with the yellow ghost)
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