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About Josef

  • Birthday February 20

Profile Information

  • Alias
    The Beggar Prince
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere else
  • Interests
    Politics, Science, Theology, Philosophy, Gaming, Music, Animal welfare, Literature, History, and much more.

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  1. Initially I thought this might be made up, but a liar would probably come up with a more believable story. I hope you survive your future dealings with psychopathic murderers, cancer, the mob, your friends ex lovers and whatnot. Though I find it hard to believe that you were without heartbeat for 12 minutes, unless you were already on life support at the same time. The maximum time a persons brain can stay alive after their heartbeat stops is usually around 10 minutes, with each minute passing decreasing your survival odds by about 10%. Or so I have heard? If you were truly gone for 12 minutes and managed to come back that would raise several interesting questions. What was that like? Did you have a near death experience? I once died for a minute or so due to suffocation and there was nothing to be seen and felt. What was it like in your case? Please forgive my curiosity, but if your story is true then you are one of very few people who can answer what dying is like.
  2. I love charizard and always pick charmander as a starter, so Im gonna rate it a 10/10
  3. Happy Birthday Ame! :-)   

  4. Im using Wine on a Mac to run the game, but sadly, I am unable to install the Mod. It just doesn't work. Is there any way to fix this please?
  5. Im playing Reborn on a Mac and I am using Wine to run it. Sadly, I cant install the Sandbox Mod. Is there any way to fix this?

  6. I doubt that it was ever about hunting down and punishing actual "witches." That was just the cheap pretense they used to kill people they didnt like under the guise of justice. Thats one of the fundamental principles of any religion out there: No evidence based logic is required.
  7. This is Lin we are talking about. She probably brainwashed Radomus Gardevoir with the Pulse 2 (it can break a Pokemons will) and will use it in her battle against us as a "human shield", forcing us to kill it if we want to beat her.
  8. @Eigengrau do you have another Bagon and Ralts available by any chance? I would be very grateful if I could have them. I already have a Ralts of my own, however it has very poor IVs and I need another one which I could use as a Mega Guardevoir. I would also please like to take one of those Honedges and a Tepig and a Torchic if you would be willing to part with them. Thank you very much in advance.
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