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12 Fledgling


About Mechathulhu

  • Birthday 04/11/1993

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. It is the card I picked, I wouldn't usually be this lucky!
  3. Mechathulhu

    hi again

    Congrats on the release of Starlight Divide's demo, Ame! Glad to see your hand in development on Reborn is also picking up with a refreshed vigor. I see no issues with the progress bars being chucked for your sake and sanity. I don't have to be a developer to understand that things take time to be done and done well, and I hope you're not given too much grief about a release time going forward. I applaud and appreciate you and your teams efforts and dedication to making Reborn the best you can make it! Thanks again for Pokemon Reborn and may your development be as thorough as you need it! :)
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. It was something I was looking for, I am up for the trade.
  7. Alrighty, made a few minor changes, but the team is pretty much set, I have been enjoying the results thus far! All the Pokemon are now outfitted with suggested battle items and I re-worked the movesets to better benefit the team in both STAB and utility Figured I would give Rotom-W Will-O-Wisp instead since he sets the screens himself and has the bulk, and its health can always be maintained by potions, helps me setup without switching to another mon. Literally just added Dragon Dance and removed Will-O-Wisp from Charizard X, better utilizing the movepool. Despite Meteor Mash not being a thing on this set, I have a Rotom-W who will provide some opportunities to at least setup with Swords Dance, there are always opportunities to setup under favorable typing as well regardless. Figured I'd add Choice Specs to Gardevoir adding to that power of hers. Dazzling Gleam has been changed back to Moonblast since I took this screenshot so ignore that, I just used her to collect my battle items and didn't Heart Scale it back in yet. Greninja was also given Choice Specs cause I had good coverage on him, yeah, I could Life Orb, but if the OHKOs present themselves obvious, might as well take the plunge. I threw Life Orb on Garchomp as well for more Physical power, I do have Choice Band/Scarf if I feel like I need them, but whatever works really. And so, the team is more or less set, depending if I choose to alter it more in the future for certain reasons, like actually getting Meteor Mash on Lucario cause I know all too well the improvement that would bring now, might have to catch myself a Smeargle in the near future if I go to the trouble, either way, that's it for now!
  8. @LilyX So, I ended up retraining Charizard with Dragon Dance, whenever I can find the other battle items I'll complete my team then, I'm not too worried about Lucario though. Depending on the match I can substitute Charizard's Mega with Lucario's Mega when that becomes available for scenarios where Charizard wouldn't be as prudent, also Greninja has Choice Specs now for some fun times.
  9. I have to do some more research on getting other items together, afaik the only items I have out of the list you suggested are the choice specs iirc. Lucario didn't have Meteor Mash since I didn't end up breeding for it specifically, generally I don't plan on breeding with egg moves in mind a lot, which I should probably do more often, I just get a team idea in my head and go to town without much regard to that kind of thing, which is honestly an oversight. I haven't had all that many problems with the team so far, but I don't deny there's room for improvement if I so choose to breed and retrain some Pokes to make the suggestions achievable.
  10. Ignore the Megas other than Charizard. Unless typing doesn't pose a threat, Charizard X is my main Mega. All are EV Trained and ready, items are subject to change in the future for anything worth replacing.
  11. Thank you very much for the trade, I appreciate it greatly!
  12. Alrighty, I'm available now if you're still around!
  13. I've been looking to make some final touches on the Pokemon I've been breeding for E18, but I'm as far as I want to push my breeding without a 5-6 IV Ditto to get me what I'm looking for, if anyone has one for trade it would be much appreciated before I decide to up and EV Train the Pokemon I've prepared.
  14. I have finally found it, thank you very much for the guidance
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