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Jar-Kai Marek

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  1. Three monthes since I last visited this place? Man college has really kept me distracted from here.


    P.S - What in earth have I missed?

    1. Dypatome


      Welcome back! A lot's changed.

      For starters, the site went a transition and the whole thing was remodeled. Everything that was here is still here, besides reputation and the Rupee shop.

      Episode 16 was released (which is fantastic; be sure to check it out)

      And lastly from what I can think of, the second Redemption League tourney is running soon; do give it a shot! All the information is available under the "Redemption League" tag visible from the forums homepage.

      Anyone else can fill in what I missed?

  2. If a Pokemon eats a Grass type Pokemon, does that make it a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CCYami


      Although on closer inspection, the fact that we have plant type EGGS would say its more likely to be an Omnivore. Must.... RESEARCH!

    3. Sutoratosu


      Mother of god... I think this is the first time anyone's bothered to ask such a question.

    4. AeroWraith


      How did I not run into a question like that.

  3. I believe Gumshoos eat Raticates, which was explained in Alolan lore, hence their transformation to Aloloan Form. Also I am sure somewhere along the line there was a Pidgey family entry or two or three that talked about them eating Exeggcute. Interesting question though. If a Pokemon eats a Grass type, does it make it an omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore?
  4. Man. Fuck my professors for giving me bullshit project on top of another. Good to finally have motre freetime..

  5. Universes with a stupidly large amount of lore?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      Legend of Heroes Trails series

    3. AuthorReborn


      Pillars of Eternity has a pretty substantial amount of lore for being a standalone game. If you're looking for something you can jump into, there's that.

    4. Shamitako



      Warhammer 40k. Tsukihime/Fate

      Also just about any long-running sci-fi/fantasy franchise or MMO will have a fuckton of lore

  6. Hey who'd be the best writer/roleplayer to talk to about critiquing some ideas I had?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pocky


      yeah i'd have to say the same thing, lol

    3. Shamitako


      Huk's a solid choice. Stratos and Murdoc (Adamance Ascendant) are also P good

      And if you're really desperate you can talk to that one scrub called Alexus. She runs some okayish RPs, like The Tenth God

    4. Chevaleresse


      yes i exist and am willing to help

  7. That whole bit on Trump and the "birth" movement, how after 8 years they still can't prove Obama wasn't born in America, was real irrelevant to the debate as a whole it seemed. Trump brought up this one guy (can't remember his name) who was in charge of the movement. I tuned that whole bit out in my mind, because I was told by both left and right-wing supporters that the guy was pure cancer and a white supremecist or something like that.
  8. I heard a lot of bullshit on both sides, but in my opinion, Hillary absolutely bodied Donald Trump in the debate last night. Hillary did at least speak out of truth and sincerety for the most part, but I sat back watching Trump try to steal the show and think to myself "what an asshole". Trump said one line that made me lose almost all support for him at the end when he said he didn't really care how the election turned out and voiced support for Hillary, it contradicted his statement earlier when he said it doesn't matter how, but he will be on Pennsylvania Ave. in one way or the other on his bit of building construction.
  9. Story idea: A man in the Pokemon universe creates a more successful machine akin to Bill's transformation machine in RBY, is caught by a trainer, and faces an existential crisis because he is unable to communicate in English.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jar-Kai Marek

      Jar-Kai Marek

      Is that a character from one of the fan games or something?

    3. Combat


      If you took the What Type Are You Quiz, you get put into a similar situation and get caught by a kid named Elliot.

    4. FairFamily


      it is a character in the what type are you quiz. He also can be found in reborn.

  10. *looks for new Sun and Moon news*

  11. Which I could find an artist to gimme a sprite for a YT channel since I'm a talentless hack at spriting.

  12. Regarding Nidoking, with available TMs, go either full on Special or or mixed with 1 physical move. The best coverage option you have right now is probably Flamethrower beside Earth Power and Sludge Wave. For Barbaracle, you'd be surprised how much good coverage it has, mainly Razor Shell, Cross Chop, and Stone Edge. 2 or which get a boost from the Tough Claws ability. I used Barbaracle to eat up one decent hit, boost it, and proceed to wreck shit up. In that same vein, I found a Chesnaught from a sidequest and found it particularly useful in a few Gyms, but do whatever really.
  13. Any roleplaying or creative writing guys, would you read and/or give feedback on a thread of tropes of combat if I made one?

    1. Jar-Kai Marek

      Jar-Kai Marek

      Also which of those 2 places would be better to stick it?

    2. Combat


      If those are tropes, would it go in Gaming General? It wouldn't go in RP for sure, and it depends on how you write it.

  14. I also finished the game a week or two ago, and I found these guys to be somewhat helpful. GARDEVOIR - I used an odd set for a while utilizing Calm Mind and Draining Kiss that turned her into a self-sufficient tank on special-oriented teams. Pretty much helped me win the battle against the Dark leader. NIDOKING - Sheer Force (when you can get it) kinda helped me through some battles by muscling through. You have a couple decent moves to take advantage of like Sludge Wave and Earth Power. Same regards go to NIDOQUEEN in a way. STEELIX - Good lord it has a decent amount of utility for Singles. It is definitely your "diamond in the rough" because you can either run a Sturdy set with Rocks for those annoying Gyms like the Fire and Flying ones (sort of) or you can run a Curse Sheer Force version. It's an amazing physical wall and has a respectable 85 Atk. Also Gyro Ball. And coupled with EQ and a Fang or Rock move, you got some decent coverage. ROTOM - If you wanna bother going through that event, it'd be worth your time. But Rotom is merely Rotom, since you can change forms, but I forgot where. MACHAMP - RN-Jesus + No Guard Dynamic Punch = Amazing. BARBARACLE - Best Shell Smash user I believe we can get. Easily a "diamond in the rough" with roughly 5 types of good coverage to it via TMs and natural moveset (I think).
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