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  1. are you online right now i need to trade

    1. Paul25


      I don't think Trixi is a regular forum visitor... :( 

      So what the trade was?

      I may be able to give you the required mon you're looking for ;) 

      And Trixi,

      I'm sorry If you would mind If I handle the trade request. :o 

    2. daniel12221


      i'll need a grovyle and/or a gabiet

  2. Hey im available right now if you want to trade ;)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Freya


      Aight, ready when you are c: 

      My trade name is Freya btw

    3. Trixi


      Thank you !!


      and have fun :D

    4. Freya


      Thank you too!! 

  3. I will contact you when i'm available and yes i accept all your trades ;). See you soon !
  4. (IN-GAME NAME : Trixi) (Not updated the banned pokemons) Ready for trading! Here's the list Pokemon that i can to trade : Most Wanted ( i guess ) Normal Pokemons : All 31 IV : Good IV (Breeding Intensive!!) Shiny What i want : Giveaways (Coming Soon) You can PM Me to trade any Pokemon that are not listed ! MORE TO COME SOON ! P.S : I can evolve any Pokemon you want to trade to its final form + good move set !
  5. Trixi - Trixi Trading is my top priority !
  6. anyone wanna trade via wonder trade ?

  7. well... since theres wonder trade here's my list :
  8. well.. since theres wonder trade. Is there any trading thread ?
  9. Well that sylveon come out of nowhere
  10. By any change, is mega evolution gonna be introduced on eps 16 ?
  11. What kind pokemon do you have ?
  12. Ready for trading! Here's the list Pokemon that i can to trade : Most Wanted ( i guess ) - Axew - All the eeveelutions - Zoroark - Flygon - Larvesta - Magikarp Normal Pokemons : - Vulpix - Pichu - Porygon - Torchic - Charmander Good IV (Breeding Intensive!!) - Eevee (IV: 17,20,6,19,31,31) - Buizel (IV: 26,26,31,25,31,15) In this order HP,Atk,Def,Spe,SpA,SpD - Espurr (IV: 26,31,15,29,25,28) (Shiny) - Aron (IV: 17,16,31,31,28,5) - Axew (IV: 12,18,31,23,31,31) - Larvesta (IV: 23,24,24,27,30,30) (Most highest one) Shiny - Spinda - Foongus - Bronzong - Eevee - Growlithe - Geodude - Ralts - Bronzor - Sandshrew - Vulpix What i want : - Togepi - Litwick - Helioptile - Amaura - Hawlucha - Flabebe Giveaways (Coming Soon, When trading implemented) (Or you can trade your ratata or pidgey to a pokemon below) MORE TO COME SOON ! P.S : I can evolve any Pokemon you want to trade to its final form + good move set !
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